Minutes to Bell Time

Andrade defeats Humberto Carillo

Andrade defeats Humberto Carillo

Andrade defeats Humberto Carillo: Elimination Chamber March 8

Result: Andrade defeats Humberto Carillo

Match: Both superstars ran at each other, and Andrade immediately hit a back elbow on Carillo to secure the early advantage. Carillo managed to connect with a clothesline sending Andrade to the outside. Back in the ring, Carillo ran up the ropes hitting Andrade with a flying headbutt. Moments later, Carillo sent Andrade to the outside after a springboard arm drag. Andrade caught Carillo as he came back in the ring. With both men on the outside, Andrade picked Carillo up and ran him into the post.

Back in the ring, Andrade maintained the advantage until he went for a monkey flip, but Carillo grabbed him and back body dropped him out of the ring. After a couple of high kicks, Carillo went for a moonsault, but pulled him into a modified buckle bomb. With both men standing on the top rope, Carillo leaped up into the air hitting a hurricanrana and collected a near fall as a result. Carillo missed his follow up moonsault and Andrade hit the double knees in the corner for a near fall of his own.

Zelina Vega pulled back the padding at the ringside area, but Carillo evaded the hammerlock DDT with a back body drop. Carillo connected with a tope con hilo and a cross body, but he couldn’t hold Andrade down for three. After both guys traded a series of near falls, Andrade grabbed the tights to secure a roll up victory.

All Matches from Elimination Chamber on March 8

Match Ratings

Six dimensions combine to make up the overall rating. Matches score ratings of 1-10 only if the match lasts for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  1. Match Quality– Was the match well wrestled or sloppy?
  2. Audience Engagement– Did the live audience care about the match?
  3. Competitiveness– Was the match competitive or one-sided?
  4. Stakes – Did the match matter?
  5. Finish– Did the match end in a satisfying manner?
  6. Performance: (1) Poor (2) Below Average (3) Average (4) Above Average (5) Excellent
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