Minutes to Bell Time

Chris Adonis and Thomas Latimer defeat Parrow and Odinson

Loving the big men going after each other and no one is giving an inch between Parrow and Latimer before having Odinson and Adonis set up a test of strength but Adonis being the heel gets the kick in the midsection.
Nice spot with Odinson dropping Parrow on to Latimer showing off the strength of Odinson.
Parrow was able to counter the Adonis Lock by dropping down.
Super Collider from Parrow and Odinson on Strictly Business before setting up Adnois but Kamille allows the distraction and Latimer sends Odinson badly into the second hardest part of the ring.
Adonis puts on the Master Lock on Odinson after this leading to him fading and Strictly Business getting the TKO win.
Post match, Strictly Business celebrates even with a kiss between Latimer and Kamille. Thunder Rosa comes out to confront Kamille with Kamille standing behind the boys.

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