Minutes to Bell Time

Flamita, Bandido, and Rey Horus vs. Marty Scurll, Flip Gordan, and Brodie King

Minutes to Bell Time

ROH Saturday Night at Center Stage January 11: Six Man Tag Team Championship Match

Marty Scurll announced prior to the match that even though PCO is the normal third man, Villain Enterprises decided to substitute Flip Gordan in so they could put the titles on the line. Flamita and Brodie King start the match to a chorus of horns from the crowd. The match picked up when Bandido and Marty Scurll tagged into the match. About 8 minutes into the match, Bandido did a moonsault from the turnbuckle to the outside while Flamita and Horus hit dives in concert to take out all members of Villain Enterprises. A flurry of offense by everyone resulted in all six men on the mat at the 12 minute mark. The match ended and new champions were crowned when Bandido rolled up Marty Scurll for the pinfall victory.


Match Ratings

Six dimensions combine to make up the overall rating. Matches score ratings of 1-10 only if the match lasts for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  1. Match Quality– Was the match well wrestled or sloppy?
  2. Audience Engagement– Did the live audience care about the match?
  3. Competitiveness– Was the match competitive or one-sided?
  4. Stakes – Did the match matter?
  5. Finish– Did the match end in a satisfying manner?
  6. Performance: (1) Poor (2) Below Average (3) Average (4) Above Average (5) Excellent
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