Minutes to Bell Time

Grace defeats Ryan

Grace defeats Ryan

Grace defeats Ryan – Knockouts Championship: Impact Wrestling March 10

Result: Grace defeats Ryan with the Grace driver to retain the Impact Knockouts Championship.

Match: Madison Rayne brought out Lacey Ryan to challenge Jordynne Grace. Ryan and Grace started with a strong collar and elbow tie up that the referee had to break up. Grace used a headlock take down and a shoulder tackle to take Ryan down to the mat twice, but Ryan answered with a shoulder tackle of her own. When Ryan climbed to the top rope, Grace tossed her off and followed up with a clothesline for the near fall. Lacey Ryan secured an advantage with a slingshot elbow and a DDT, but couldn’t lock in a cross-arm breaker.

Grace tossed Ryan into the post and hit double knees and an elbow in the corner. After a snap mare, Grace hit a Vader Bomb for a two count. Ryan surprised Grace with two kicks and a running knee strike before again climbing to the top rope and again getting caught. After a muscle buster, Ryan again kicked out of the pinfall attempt. Ryan stood up from two powerslams and then hit a rolling senton and a frog splash for a near fall. Grace managed to hit the Grace Driver for the pinfall victory.

All Matches from Impact Wrestling on March 10

Match Ratings

Six dimensions combine to make up the overall rating. Matches score ratings of 1-10 only if the match lasts for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  1. Match Quality– Was the match well wrestled or sloppy?
  2. Audience Engagement– Did the live audience care about the match?
  3. Competitiveness– Was the match competitive or one-sided?
  4. Stakes – Did the match matter?
  5. Finish– Did the match end in a satisfying manner?
  6. Performance: (1) Poor (2) Below Average (3) Average (4) Above Average (5) Excellent
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