Minutes to Bell Time

Isaiah Kassidy and Marq Quen defeat Chris Sabin and James Storm

Minutes to Bell Time

Still unreal that we live in a time where we literally have no idea who will show up on an episode of Dynamite or Impact Wrestling.
Back from the commercial break with the match having apparently JUST started.
Great to bring up that Amazing Red trained Private Party and is who Chris Sabin beat for his first X Division Championship.
Matt Hardy gets on them for showing some sportsmanship telling them to be ruthless.
TK and Jerry Lynn have arrived and set up chairs in the audience area and are taking notes as the show goes to commercial again.
Weird spot with Storm not really kicking out of the cover then barely grabbing the bottom rope on the second pin attempt.
Storm is looking like he has no gas in the tank by the end of the match and can’t remember what he’s meant to do. Not sure if he is just selling the kick to the head from earlier though.
Jerry Lynn gets in the ring to hold CHris Sabin’s leg while Hardy distracts the ref so Private Party can get the Gin and Juice hit and get the pinfall victory.
Post match, Good Brothers music hits and out come Gallows and Anderson and get in the ring to face off with Private Party.
James Storm then attacks Karl Anderson and a brawl breaks out with all three teams to end the show.

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