Minutes to Bell Time

Jake Atlas defeats Tony Nese

Anyone else think Tony Nese and Jake Atlas should just team up so they can be Tony Atlas?
Right after the bell, Ariya Daivari comes out even though they said he was going to stay in the back. Nigel tries to get Daivari to join Commentary which he does.
I actually laughed out loud when Daivari said he and Nese are marketable.
Match is all Tony Nese for the most part to start this one out but Nese just can’t get a three count.
Nasty looking moonsault from Atlas looking like he legit hit Nese in the head with his shins.
Atlas making his comeback with some good looking shots on Nese. Nese’s selling of Atlas’ forearm made it look great.
Great looking Brainbuster from Atlas but only a two count but it is enough to get Daivari off commentary to throw his chain in the ring.
Grey comes out to stop Nese from using the chain as the ref can see the chain. This allows Atlas to roll up Nese and get the pinfall victory.
Post match, Grey and Atlas celebrate the win on the stage showing respect for the help as Nese and Daivari are pissed in the ring.

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