Minutes to Bell Time

JR Kratos, Thomas Latimer, and Chris Adonis defeat Trevor Murdoch, Aron Stevens, and Tim Storm

Heels coming out first to keep the Murdoch team a mystery as long as possible even if we know Stevens is going to be one.
Sal Rinauro comes out as the third man but Tim Storm comes out instead to replace Sal.
Wrestlers seemed to stand around for a minute thinking the bell hadn’t already rang. The referee had to tell them that the bell already rang.
Latimer and Storm square off to start the in ring action off for this match.
Kratos actually applauding the beating of Stevens by Adonis and Latimer. But Kratos is also refusing to tag in to the match while Stevens is in the ring. Very interesting.
Officially the longest match of the night now as we have got past the 6:05 mark.
Really building to the hot tag as Stevens has been in the ring getting beat down for at least 5 minutes at this point.
Stevens and Latimer are both down leading to Tim Storm getting the hot tag to take on all three heels before concentrating on Adonis.
Sal Rinauro gets on the apron accidentally distracting Tim Storm leading to Adonis getting a pinfall on Storm.
Post match, Kratos looks over Stevens without helping him up with Trevor Murdoch pissed in the ring about the loss.

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