Minutes to Bell Time

Killian Dain and Maverick defeat August Grey and Curt Stallion

Minutes to Bell Time

I know it is 205 Live and everything, but there is no way Bollywood Boyz can get the win in this one, right?
Has Vic Joseph learned what a GoPro is since last week? He does let the Boyz know that if they win the tournament, he will dance with them.
Nice touch to have Nigel mention that the Boyz are sons of an Immigrant Bus Driver to show the working class connection with Dusty Rhodes.
Surprised how much offense the Bollywood Boyz have got in this one but they are coming off as the faces here tonight.
Some rare miscommunication from Legado del Fantasma allows the hot tag for Sunil to come in and take it to Raul Mendoza.
Close two count for Bollywood Boyz. If this was on any show but 205 Live it would have been over 10 minutes ago.
Flying Elbow from Sunil but Wilde is still able to break up the pin to the amusement of Escobar at ringside.
Nasty looking double team from Legado Del Fantasma before hitting the finish for the pinfall victory.

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