Minutes to Bell Time

Kimber Lee and Su Yung defeat Jordynne Grace and Jazz

Minutes to Bell Time

Looks like Susan is going to wrestle in the suit. She is berating people at ringside in true Karen style.
Anyone else smell a turn from someone coming in this match? Just me?
Love hearing the commentary team talking about the rules related to the tag rope. Most know by now that is my biggest pet peeve rule that I wish every promotion had.
JOrdynne Grace is out on the outside holding her elbow as we head to a commercial break.
Back with Kimber Lee holding Jordynne Grace in a leg vice as we come back.
Really great spot with Susan over emphasizing she is holding the tag rope before the tag with Kimber Lee.
Jordynne Grace finally is able to get to Jazz to get the hot tag. Susan is only now taking her suit coat off.
Ref is distracted so Deonna can hit Jazz from behind with the title so Susan can roll her up for the pinfall.
Post match, Jordynne Grace helps up Jazz who is pissed.

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