Minutes to Bell Time

MJF, Dax, Cash, Wardlow, and Shawn Spears defeat Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana, and Ortiz

Sammy Guevara and Dax Harwood start the match.
Harwood gets busted open in the first interval.
Shawn Spears is in next.
Ortiz is in next.
Cash Wheeler comes in next
Santana comes next.
Wardlow comes in next.
Hager next
MJF last for Pinnacle
Jericho last for Inner Circle
MJF and Jericho climbed to the top of the cage. MJF threatened to toss Jericho off the top of the cage if Inner Circle didn’t surrender. Sammy surrendered on behalf of the Pinnacle.
MJF tossed Jericho off the cage anyway.

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