Minutes to Bell Time

Moose vs. Rhino

Minutes to Bell Time

Impact Sacrifice February 22

At 2 and a half minutes, Moose hit a low blow for a DQ. Rhino grabbed a microphone to say he didn’t come all the way here to lose by DQ. He said if you want to play dirty, let’s make this a no DQ match. On the outside of the ring, Moose did a lap around the ring with the intention of building up speed to hit Rhino, but Rhino swung a trash can. Back in the ring, Rhino used a style gun between Moose’s legs.

Rhino had moose set up in the corner, but Moose ran out and dropkicked him into the opposite corner. Moose went to the outside of the ring and grabbed a hammer. The both blocked each other from using the hammer. Rhino attempted to use a chair, but Moose grabbed the hammer and hit Rhino in the foot.

With Rhino on the mat, Moose placed a chair over Rhino’s chest and climbed to the top. Rhino got up and threw the chair at Moose’s head. Rhino then climbed the ropes and superplexed Moose onto a pile of chairs.

Moose speared Rhino through a table for the pinfall victory.

Match Ratings

Six dimensions combine to make up the overall rating. Matches score ratings of 1-10 only if the match lasts for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  1. Match Quality– Was the match well wrestled or sloppy?
  2. Audience Engagement– Did the live audience care about the match?
  3. Competitiveness– Was the match competitive or one-sided?
  4. Stakes – Did the match matter?
  5. Finish– Did the match end in a satisfying manner?
  6. Performance: (1) Poor (2) Below Average (3) Average (4) Above Average (5) Excellent
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