Minutes to Bell Time

Nick Aldis vs. Ricky Morton

Minutes to Bell Time

NWA Power January 21: World’s Heavyweight Championship

Just prior to the bell, Billy Corgan added the stipulation that all seconds were banned from ringside. This meant that both Robert Gibson and Strictly Business had to leave. Ricky Morton started with a side headlock and continued with a headlock takeover trapping Aldis on the mat. Aldis got back to his feat and out of the hold, but did not find any success getting any offense against Morton. Morton followed Aldis outside the ring, and Aldis backed Morton into the ring post to get his first advantage in the match. Aldis went to the top rope, but Morton caught him with a punch to the midsection as Aldis came off with a double axe handle. Morton hit a hurricanrana for a near fall and then put Aldis in the figure four leg lock. The referee called for a break when Aldis made it to the ropes. Morton went for a small package, but Aldis reversed it for the pinfall victory.


Match Ratings

Six dimensions combine to make up the overall rating. Matches score ratings of 1-10 only if the match lasts for a minimum of 5 minutes.

  1. Match Quality– Was the match well wrestled or sloppy?
  2. Audience Engagement– Did the live audience care about the match?
  3. Competitiveness– Was the match competitive or one-sided?
  4. Stakes – Did the match matter?
  5. Finish– Did the match end in a satisfying manner?
  6. Performance: (1) Poor (2) Below Average (3) Average (4) Above Average (5) Excellent
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