Minutes to Bell Time

Orange Cassidy defeats Adam Cole

Minutes to Bell Time

Orange Cassidy defeats Adam Cole…in a LIGHTS OUT MATCH…at the 2 minute mark Cole pulls a chair from under the ring & Danhausen comes along with it…after the crowd pop, Danhausen heads up the ramp without affecting the match…around the 5 minute mark Cole blocks a Cassidy punch with the ring bell…Brandom Cutler is cut off by Wheeler Yuta before he can interfere…Bobby Fish is thwarted by Chuck Taylor…the Young Bucks are chased from the ring by Roppongi Vice…Cole goes for a low blow, but Cassidy is wearing a cup lined with thumbtacks…Cassidy delivers Panama Sunrise on its’ creator, but only get a 2 count…the fight spills backstage, then back out in front of the ‘tron…Cole climbs a set piece next to the tunnel…Cassidy follows & returns the favor with a low blow uppercut to the unprotected groin of Cole…Cassidy gives Cole a hug & ensuing struggle sends them both off the raised platform, crashing through a gimmicked portion of the stage where Cassidy covers for the win (14:28).

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