Minutes to Bell Time

Rich Swann and Tommy Dreamer defeat Moose and Chris Bey

Minutes to Bell Time

Is Dreamer just wearing his Cody team jacket from All In? Does he just repurpose all his stuff?
Dreamer and Bey starting the match out with neither getting an advantage impressing Chris Bey.
I don’t think it is ever going to be a compliment to say something is starting to look like Terry Funk.
Back to the action from commercial with Moose taking it to Dreamer before Swann tags in.
Really liking the slow build of Moose and Rich Swann. Both men should look like a million bucks if we ever get that unification match.
Really good job booking this with Tommy showing off a few different moves in order to build to his match against Swann.
Dreamers avoids the Spear from Moose with Moose spearing Swann. Moose turns it into the pinfall to get the victory as Bey holds Dreamer off.
Post match, Spear for Dreamer and he single handedly destroys both Dreamer and Swann before holding up both the Impact and TNA World Title before dropping the Impact title on Swann.

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