Minutes to Bell Time

Rohit Raju defeats TJP

Minutes to Bell Time

Seems like Rohit does watch the show as he appears to be aware that this is match without the title on the line. See how it is done WWE?
TJP dropkicked out of the ring by Rohit after TJP does his hangout in the ropes spot. This is our commercial break moment.
Back with Rohit in control of TJP stomping away at him in the corner.
Thanks to the commercial break this is actually our longest match of the night so far with TJP making his comeback.
Loved the move by TJP flipping and hitting the feet in the jaw of Rohit coming off the top turnbuckle. TJP ent under the ring but Mahabali Sheera comes out from under the ring with TJP.
Sheera destroys TJP and throws him back in the ring so Rohit can get the pinfall victory.
Post match, Rohit taunts TJP with the X Division Title letting him know he was his shot.

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