Minutes to Bell Time

Sabin and James Storm defeat Rohit and Shera

Storm throws some “beer” at Sheera upon entering the ring to piss him off because of the no alcohol thing.
Sheera tags himself in so hard that Rohit sells it like he got hit.
I wonder why we have not hear anything about the history between Storm and Sheera at this point. Or do we ignore that stable now?
Back from a commercial break, we see that Sabin tried to take on Rohit and Sheera on his own but it didn’t work out for him.
Striker says “Sacrifice this Saturday, where all the titles will be on the line.” Did he just spoil what D’Amore’s announcement will be later with Moose and his title?
Nice escape by Rohit from the double team by Storm and Sabin using his knees to connect with both their heads.
Sheera and Rohit start arguing allowing Sabin to drop kick Sheera into Rohit.
Cradle Shock from Sabin on Rohit and they get the pinfall victory.

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