Minutes to Bell Time

Thunder Rosa and Alex Gracia defeat Jennacide and Skyle Blue

Melina is now joining the broadcast team now for the Ladies Showcase match coming up next.
This is looking like it is going to be a match to push the Melina and Rosa story some more.
We are being told that the other three in the match were chosen by Thunder Rosa to help give them more of a spotlight.
Well I can say this with certainty, Melina is MILES a head of Velvet Sky on Commentary.
What the heck was up with Gracia trying to get the pin when Rosa already was pinning her opponent?
This is now the longest match of the show so far when I expected it was just going to be a quick fast paced match.
Jennacide has some good power spots that could be pushed in the future as she gets more experience under he belt.
Kamille out of no where to spear Thunder Rosa and cause the DQ finish.
Post match, Jennacide is still in the ring standing behind Kamille without her knowing as she is staring down Melina.
Kamille finally turns around but just gets in the face of Jennacide as the segment ends.

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