Minutes to Bell Time

Tim Storm and Sal Rinauro defeat Luke Hawk and PJ Hawk

Man, how long has it been since we’ve seen Luke and PJ in NWA? Really liked the potential of these two when they first debuted on NWA.
Sal tags himself in as this match is obviously being used to build Sal and Storm as a team together.
Have to agree with the commentary team about Luke Hawx looking very young still.
Stunner from Sal but Luke is able to get back to his corner allowing PJ to tag in.
Hot tag to Tim Storm but PJ is able to easily break up the pin attempt.
Storm hits a roll of the dice on PJ sending him to the outside.
Sal gets the blind tag and gets the pinfall victory after Tim hits the Perfect Storm.
Post-match, Tim seems unsure what to make of Sal tagging in to get the pinfall.

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