Minutes to Bell Time

TJP defeats Ace Austin

Minutes to Bell Time

Fulton is taking his entrance gear off and standing in front of Ace like he is competing but then gets out of the ring. Weird.
All even between the two with both down after a facebuster off the top as we go to a commercial break.
Back with Austin taking it to TJP in the corner. Stomping a mudhole as they would once say.
Notice how it is always guys not in the X Division or unable to compete in one that calls the X Division Title the number 2 title?
Beautiful Leg Drop by Ace Austin coming off the top turnbuckle but only getting a two count on TJP.
Counter to the Mamba Splash by Austin after Fulton interjects behind the back of Hebner. Still no pinfall for Ace though.
Mamba Splash hit this time and Fulton jumps in to break the pinfall and cause the DQ to let Ace keep his title.
Post match, the beatdown of TJP continues until Alexander comes running down with a chair to clear the ring.

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