Minutes to Bell Time

TJP defeats Rohit Raju


Rohit dives on TJP as he is coming to the ring to attack before the bell and Hebner won’t now ring the bell until both men can stand to the disappointment of Rohit.
They’re fighting all over ringside without both getting in the ring and on their feet at the same time to purposing prevent the bell from ringing.
Bell finally rings after TJP confirms he can go to Hebner.
With Josh Alexander as the next contender to the X Division championship, really interested to see who wins this one because I can see them going with either against Josh.
Hilarious spot with Rohit biting the arm of TJP before yelling that it tastes like Failure.
Mamba Splash from TJP but Rohit gets out of the way and TJP hits only mat.
As I Lay Me Down to Sleep from TJP but Rohit still is able to kick out before a three count.
Really weird spot with how TJP came off the top turnbuckle into what was meant to be an arm bar from Rohit.
Misfire with Rohit dropkicking Sheera setting up TJP hitting the Mamba Splash and getting the three count to retain the X Division Championship.
Post match, Rohit throws a tantrum on the outside when he releases he lost.

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