Minutes to Bell Time

Tyler Bate defeats A-Kid

Round 1:  no falls…feeling out…lots of holds & quick counters.
Round 2:  no falls…more grappling, holds & counters…familiarity is evident.
Round 3:  no falls…things getting chippy…some good striking…both men tumble over         the top rope & to the floor, where they spend the last 20 sec. of the round.
Round 4:  no falls…A-Kid grinds on Bate with 2 attempts at the sleeper & a deep         guillotine.
Round 5:  Tyler Driver for 2 count…A-Kid avoids the corkscrew senton, transitions into
the Omoplata that he used to beat Trent Seven…Bate won’t tap…Seven considers         throwing in the towel but Bate is literally saved by the bell…between rounds, Bate         makes Seven promise not throw the towel.
Round 6:  A-Kid hits a big Superkick, as he attempts to roll the wobbly Bate up, Bate         spins & captures A-Kid’s legs, then sits down into a pinning combo for the win (00:58         of Round 6  —  18:59 overall)…AFTER…A-Kid retrieves the Cup & presents it to Bate         in a show of respect.

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