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Adam’s Take: Velo-Cities vs Aussie Open
- Updated: May 7, 2021

Adam’s Take: Velo-Cities vs Aussie Open
“Adam’s Take: Velo-Cities vs Aussie Open” comes from Contributor “Alcoholic” Adam Pokrajac. Pokrajac routinely provides the cold hard truth on Australian Wrestling with a heavy focus on New South Wales. He believes this is the most under appreciated wrestling scene in the world today and he reviews it with a beer in his hand.
Your favourite Alcoholic Adam breaks down PWA’s Velo-Cities vs Aussie Open event that takes place on May 8th at 6AM Eastern Time (8PM Local Time in Australia). To watch the event, head over to FITE TV where you can catch the action live.
Jack J Bonza v Kai Drake
- MK Plus Ultra took out Kingsley so Bonza feels obligated to seek vengeance and defend the honour of the Red Nation.
- The last time these two faced off, Bonza Knocked out one of Kai’s teeth.
- Bonza claims he is focused and willing to go the extra mile to inflict pain.
Adam’s Prediction: There is nothing more dangerous than a focused Bonza. He’s no slouch with vicious strikes that push opponents to their limits. Bonza wins via submission setting a tag team match with her and Kingsley v MK Plus Ultra in a future show.
Big Fudge v Concrete Davidson (2 Man Rumble)
- After Davidson returned last show in the rumble surprising everyone, his former tag partner feels betrayed (especially since Conco eliminated Fudge from the match).
Adam’s prediction: Fudge wins as he can barely go over the top rope in the first place. When Fudge tries to resist, it’s going to be nearly impossible.
Goober Report Promo
- For the very first time, Will Kidies is giving us a live edition of the Goober Report where his special guests will be Sam Osborne and Don Marnell.
- We will find out which Championship Sam Osborne will challenge for as his prize for winning the PWA Rumble.
- Both champions are fantastic representatives for PWA. Whoever Osborne selects will be a great choice.
- On one hand, you have the PWWA Champion Jessica Troy – the only person who has defeated Osborne under the management of Don Marnell.
- Newly Crowned PWA Heavyweight Champion Ricky South is riding the hugest amount of momentum after defeating Caveman Ugg.
Mat Rogers v “Backman” Lex Lennock v Belinda Pierce
- After Belinda has SMS, she has been on a tear leaving people in peril after she hits her spear. She even took down some of PWA’s biggest heavyweights on the roster (Lex Lennock and Jack Pain) snapping them in half last show.
Adam’s prediction: Belinda will continue to run through the competition, but she will have a little help from her SMS tag partner Unsocial Jordan.
Carter Deams v Mick Moretti
- After going the distance in the Rumble, Moretti is taking Wahlberg’s former tag team partner in a match as a way of continuing the feud.
- If it’s anything like their match previous matches, this is going to be an absolute barn burner.
Adam’s Prediction: Moretti with a snapmare driver in an absolute classic.
Unsocial Jordan v Michael Spencer
- In this contest, we have a battle of the shit talkers, so we will see who can back it up and who can’t.
- Unsocial Jordan has been on quite a roll since Belinda Pierce has decided to join forces with him even coming extremely close to winning the premiership.
- While spencer is looking to pick up his first singles victory in over 2 years let’s see if he can do it alone.
- Another factor we have to consider is whether each person’s partner gets involved. We know how devious both competitors are.
Adam’s Prediction: Unsocial Jordan wins and continues to pile on the losses for Spencer’s singles career.
Mat Diamond v Lyrebird Luchi
- A stipulation has been added which is if Luchi wins, Rogers will be forced to be with Luchi. If Diamond wins, Rogers finally gets his singles match with Luchi.
- Luchi has been ducking Rogers since his elimination at the rumbl. Luchi even avoided confrontation by running away at the Always Bring Your Gear show.
Adam’s Prediction: Diamond wins with the huge assist to Rogers.
Aussie Open Mark David & Kyle Fletcher v Velocities Jude “The Dude” London & Paris De Silva (C) (PWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP)
- After a couple of huge victories, Aussie Open made their intentions perfectly clear “We Want Velocities”
- Aussie feels very disrespected and feels people have just forgotten Pre covid several people (including myself) were saying that Aussie Open are the best-unsigned talents in the world. Some would even call them the standard bearers of tag team wrestling.
- In the mini-documentary, The Velocities said “We are now the generals they use to be the goal.” To me, Velocities have confidence and believe they are currently the best tag team in the world. Despite the strength of PWA’s tag division, it might very well be true.
- The Velocities also said in the Mini-Documentary, “They went overseas, we came back, we stayed in the trenches.” To me, The Velocities are implying that Aussie Open took the easy way out leaving Australia. Some may argue the challenge took Aussie Open to the next level with unfamiliar surroundings and without their closest family and friends.
Adam Prediction: Velocities retain in their hardest challenge to date in a match full of false finishers and a lot of pride on the line. It’s all for the title of being the best tag team on the planet . . . and PWA tag team champions.
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That’s all for now. I’ll see you at the local many bevs, Alcoholic Adam