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AEW Dynamite Live Results
- Updated: February 12, 2020

AEW takes place in Austin, Texas from the HEB Center. The following matches have been announced:
- Riho vs. Nyla Rose for Women’s Championship
- Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs. SCU for Tag Team Championship
- Jon Moxley vs. Santana in a Grudge Match
- MJF vs. Jungle Boy
- Dustin Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara
Coverage Begins . . . .Right Now.
Live Results
Kenny Omega and Adam Page defeated SCU – Tag Team Championship Match
Evil Uno came on the screen to let both teams know that the Dark Order is watching as they await the arrival of the exalted one. Christopher Daniels left the ringside area to investigate.
Scorpio Sky hit a cheap shot by hitting Omega as he bounced off the ropes. Kenny answered with a big kick in the face and Sky answered with another kick a few moments later. SCU is on fire during the early part of this match. When Page entered the ring, things seemed to swing back the other way.
Scorpio Sky and Kenny Omega both hit a tope con hilo. Reentering the ring, Omega hit a big missile dropkick. The Champions missed their combination audience as Sky got his legs up to avoid Omega’s moonsault, and Kazarian pushed Page from the top turnbuckle to the floor.
Having the advantage on Omega, Kazarian hit a springboard legdrop from the second rope before tagging Sky back into the match. When Omega made the tag, the crowd went crazy as Adam Page took care of both members of SCU.
SCU had both champions in submission moves, and Omega broke both up. SCU avoided the buckshot lariat a whole bunch of times, but the champions eventually hit the combination V-Trigger and Buckshot Lariat to pick up the pinfall over Kazarian.
Dark Order Surround the Ring
Best Friends came out to even the score. Butcher and Blade, TH2, and the Young Bucks also came to the ring. This fight previews the Battle Royal for next weeks Dynamite. The winners of the battle royal next week get a championship opportunity. When the dust settled, the Young Bucks stood tall in the ring. . .until they dove tot he outside and took everyone out.
Jim Ross Interview with Santana
Santana told a sympathetic story about his blind father and refuses to take any responsibility for the attack on Moxley’s eyes. Good promo work from Santana for the second week in a row.
Darby Allin Video
Darby Allin but signs in front of the camera coughing the entire time. The signs said the following:
Smashing my throat with the skateboard
You made a mistake
Sooner or later I’ll find ya
But in the meantime
Sammy, you busy at Revolution
Hit me up
Dustin Rhodes defeated Sammy Guevara
When the bell rang, Sammy slipped out of the ring. Dustin caught Sammy running in and took the early part of the match until Sammy bailed out again. Dustin hit Sammy with a running clothesline off the steel stairs. Jake Hagar’s distraction didn’t have any impact as Dusting still caught Sammy trying to come off the stairs. Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the break, things seemed even. Sammy kicked Dustin in the face, but Dustin answered with a powerslam. Hager provided another distraction and Guevara hit a go to sleep. From the top rope, Sammy got caught twice and then Dustin hit a Canadian Destroyer and the Final Reckoning for the pinfall victory.
Dustin Challenged Jake Hager
Hager broke Dustin’s arm and Rhodes wants a piece of his ass. Jake did not provide an answer.
Replay of Britt Baker’s Attack on Yuka Last Week
Baker said that pulling out Yuka’s tooth had excessive decay and that’s why she attacked her so viciously. Baker said she extracted the tooth for free. Baker asked that everyone give it up for Tony (Mr. Starbucks). Tony asked Britt to provide some expert analysis, and she said that Riho and Rose will still be number 2 behind her no matter how the championship match ends. The crowd jeered loudly!
Nyla Rose defeated Riho to win the Women’s Championship Match
Riho attacked Nyla before the bell, but Rose quickly took control. Riho hit a head scissors takeover and dropkicked Nyla to the outside where she went for a high cross body from the post. Nyla caught Riho and slammed her into a back breaker and then she threw Riho into the apron. For some reason, Nyla set up a table. Riho ran across the table and dropkicked Rose sending Dynamite to commercial break.
Back from commercial, Riho hit a crucifix but couldn’t follow up for a pin. When Riho went for the Tiger Feint Kick, Nyla blocked but Riho evaded when Nyla tried to drop down on her. After a Samoan drop, Riho barely kicked out. With Riho draped over the top rope, Nyla hit a diving knee from the top rope.
Standing on the top rope, Rose hit Riho with a forearm, a bite on the head, and a Death Valley driver from the top. When Rose went for a one winged angel, Riho hit two snapdragon suplexes, but missed a running knee strike. Riho then followed up with a northern lights suplex. After a double stomp, Rose kicked out at one. Riho hit two more double stomps from the top, but Nyla had her foot on the rope.
Rose hit a sit-down powerbomb for the pinfall victory. She became the new Women’s World Champion.
Jericho Announces that Jeff Cobb is Debuting
Apparently Cobb is coming to take out Moxley before Revolution.
Recap of the 10 Lashes from MJF to Cody from Last Week
MJF defeated Jungle Boy
Jungle Boy and MJF wrestled to the outside where MJF grabbed Jungle Boy by the hair as Dynamite went to commercial. Back form commercial, Jungle Boy hit two suicide dives plus a tope con hilo.
Jungle Boy went to the top rope and MJF hit the ropes knocking Jungle Boy down on the turnbuckle. When MJF started jeering toward Brandi Rhodes, Jungle Boy hit a sunset powerbomb. Wardlow came out to the ringside area and put the Diamond Ring on MJF’s hand. With one strike, Jungle Boy went straight to the mat. After a Double Cross, MJF picked up the pinfall victory.
After the match, Wardlow gave Jungle Boy an F5 bring out the Jurassic Express. MJF and Wardlow left.
Pac Promo
He says Kenny hasn’t been the same since Pac choked him out in Chicago. He understands that all of Kenny’s problems are because of him. He says that Kenny is scared.
Jon Moxley defeated Santana
Sanatana went after Moxley before he could even make it to the ring. They brawled into the crowd. As the bell rang, Excalibur let us know that Santana hasn’t had a singles match in 457 days. Moxley hit a double axe handle from the post to floor. They got back in the ring, but Santana hit a back elbow and a single leg dropkick to send Moxley back to the floor and Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from the break, Santana kicked Moxley as he charged and then slammed him face first into the second turnbuckle. Following up with a cutter and a pile driver, Santana only managed a pair of near falls. When Santana next went for a Frog’s Splash, Moxley put his knees up.
Moxley hit a big clothesline to send Santana to the mat. Moxley climbed to the top rope, and Ortiz hopped up on the apron and spit liquor in Moxley’s eye. Santana then hit a cannonball and a frog splash for another near fall.
Both men blindly reached for each other and Moxley hit the paradigm shift for the pinfall victory.
The Inner Circle attacked Moxley after the match. Guevara hit the 630 senton and Jericho hit the Judas Effect.
Jeff Cobb
Cobb came out and hit Moxley with a Tour of the Islands. Moxley vs. Cobb was announced for next week.