- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
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Bobby RoodeW
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Bobby RoodeW
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AEW Dynamite – Mar 15
- Updated: March 15, 2023

AEW Dynamite – Mar 15
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Dynamite Results
*Live from Winnipeg, Manitoba
*MJF to the ring for his re-Bar Mitzvah…instant heel heat for admitting he was a Shawn guy, not a Bret guy…Jungle Boy interrupts…Sammy Guevara interrupts…Darby Allin interrupts…the other 3 Pillars all want a title match…words are exchanged…fists fly…MJF takes a bump into his cake.
*Chris Jericho was honored earlier today by the city of Winnipeg…receives a medal & has a street named after him.
(1) Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, & Wheeler Yuta def. Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, & Hangman Adam Page…in a TRIOS MATCH…when Hangman & Mox finally square off, Hangman has the upper hand & is setting up for the Buckshot when Yuta hits him with the ring ball…Grayson & Uno hit the Fatality on Mox but Yuta breaks up the cover at the last split second…Claudio with the Pop-Up Swiss Uppercut to Grayson & Mox locks on the RNC for the submission win (13:26)…AFTER…Mox won’t release…John Silver & Alex Reynolds down for the save…BCC members bail.
*Juice Robinson shows no remorse for his cheap shot attack on Ricky Starks.
(2) Jade Cargill def. Nicole Matthews…Cargill hits Jaded for the win (00:43)…and goes to 54-0…AFTER…Renee in for an interview…Jade asks if that’s all Canada has to offer…Taya Valkyrie to the ring…they do some jaw-jacking off mic but Jade climbs out…Leila Grey tries to attack Taya & finds herself on the Road to Valhalla, which drives Jade crazy…but she’s held back by several referees.
*Ricky Starks backstage with Schiavone…he’s not impressed with Juice Robinson or his Bullet Club credentials…tells Juice to bring it…any time…any place.
*QT Marshall debuts QTV…shows Aaron Solo stealing Wardlow’s TNT title.
(3) Orange Cassidy def. Jeff Jarrett…retains his All-Atlantic Championship (which, by the Power of Shazam! is leveled up to the International Championship)…around the 10 minute mark the ref takes a bump…Sonjay Dutt slides in the guitar but ref Aubrey down & takes the guitar away…Satnam Singh gets caught with the guitar next & is tossed from ringside…Jay Lethal clobbers Cassidy with the Golden Globe but Cassidy kicks out of the ensuing cover…Trent Beretta takes out Lethal at ringside…Cassidy lands the Orange Punch for the win (13:36).
*The Acclaimed have a new “music” video…hooray.
*Toni Störm, Saraya, & Ruby Soho (The Outcasts) to the ring…they’re here to save the division…Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter to the ring…the fight is on but it’s 3-on-2…Destination Unknown for Baker…Storm Zero for Hayter…Riho, Skye Blue, & Willow Nightingale down for the save…the Outcast bail.
*Matt Menard & Angelo Parker backstage promo…they loved the Acclaimed’s new video…but the Acclaimed laughed at their offer to join the JAS & that was not appreciated.
*Rey Fenix has answered Powerhouse Hobbs’ Open Challenge.
(4) House of Black def. The Elite & Jericho Appreciation Society…in a 3-WAY TRIOS MATCH to retain their AEW World Trios Championship…Dante’s Inferno on Garcia, King covers for the win (21:47)…AFTER…the backstage brawl between Blackpool Combat Club & Hangman Adam Page/Dark Order spills to ringside…Hangman is alone in ring with all 3 BCC members walking him down until the Elite roll in & stand behind Hangman…BCC backs off as the show ends.
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – Mar. 17, 2023 – at 11:30pm or after Basketball
+ Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Rey Fenix – for the TNT Championship
+ 2point0 vs. Bollywood Boyz
+ Taya Valkyrie’s in-ring debut
+ Hook vs. Stokely Hathaway – in a NO DQ Match
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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