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April 26, 2022 – CCW Alive Wrestling Episode 84
- Updated: April 27, 2022

Recap sent by Andy Seeley
April 26, 2022 – CCW Alive Wrestling Episode 84
CCW Alive Results
A controversial decision in a CCW Southeastern Championship match and matchup between the Beast Man and the Florida Man highlight this week’s episode of CCW Alive.
Click the player below to see CCW Alive Episode 84 and read our recap below!
ERA def. Jackal Stevens by Disqualification – CCW Southeastern Championship
ERA used his opportunity at a championship match by virtue of winning the Go For the Gold Battle Royal back at Bash at the Brew 13 in February to challenge CCW Southeastern Champion Jackal Stevens. This match was from Bash at the Brew 14.
The action spilled outside the ring early on, where ERA seemed to have the upper hand. But Jackal turned the tables with some vicious chops before rolling the challenger back in the ring. But ERA was playing possible, catching Jackal with a DDT as he entered the ring, earning a near fall.
From there, ERA held the upper hand until he went for a crossbody off the middle turnbuckle. Stevens showed some strength and resolve, catching ERA in mid-air before nailing him with a huge ushigoroshi for a near fall of his own. Just before we go to the first commercial break, ERA came back with a corkscrew, twisting suplex that earned him a 2-count.
Back from the commercial break, Stevens almost finished the match with a powerbomb maneuver, but couldn’t get his feet over the shoulders of ERA, who kicked out at the last second. Stevens went to the top, possibly looking for his trademark Blockbuster, but ERA scouted it, crotched him on the ropes and followed up with a top rope hurricanrana and a nasty running elbow strike, which once again earned him a near fall.
At this point, frustration seemed to settle in for ERA. The challenger went outside the ring, grabbed a chair and the Southeastern title belt. He tossed the chair into the ring, hoping to distract referee Amy Veronica, so he could hit Jackal with the belt. The official was on top of it, however, catching ERA’s attempt to use the belt and thwarting it.
Unfortunately for Veronica and for Stevens, it ended up in the hands of Jackal. He went to blast ERA with it, but ERA ducked and our referee took the belt right to the face. Stevens, after checking on Veronica, eventually ended up getting control of ERA and scored an Olympic Slam. Referee Andy Seeley saw Veronica down and out, saw Stevens covering ERA and rushed to the ring. He counted the pinfall and awarded the victory to Stevens.
Veronica, who was the official assigned to the contest, then called ring announcer Blake Chadwick over to the ring. She informed Chadwick she was disqualifying Stevens for hitting her with the belt, making ERA the winner of the match. However, a title cannot change hands on a disqualification, so Stevens retains the CCW Southeastern Championship.
Beast Man def. “Florida Man” T.C. Read
“Florida Man” T.C. Read gives up at least 250 pounds to the massive mountain of a man from West Virginia, Beast Man. The terrifying, imposing figure was led to the ring by Lew Spectre, scaring young children and needing extra security to keep fans safe.
Read did everything he possibly could, but he simply couldn’t budge the Beast Man, much to the delight of Spectre.
When Read seemed to have some chance at offensive maneuvers, the size and power of Beast Man was just too much. Read managed to grab a headlock on Beast Man, but his feet couldn’t reach the mat when he had the headlock cinched in, giving him less leverage. Eventually, Beast Man just pushed him off and nailed him with a massive shoulder tackle.
Read landed a few superkicks that seemed to stagger Beast Man, but he couldn’t take him off his feet. When Read went to try to whip his opponent into the ropes, it was the beginning of the end. Beast Man reversed the whip and violently crashed into the “Florida Man.”
A few moments later, the entire crowd at Unbranded Brewing Company collectively held their breaths as Beast Man ascended to the top turnbuckle. He then flew through the air, landing with his rear end directly on the chest of Read, which led to a pinfall victory with no chance Read could kick out.
Don’t Miss An Episode of CCW Alive
CCW Alive debuts every Tuesday at 7 p.m. on the Coastal Championship Wrestling YouTube page. Don’t miss all the hard-hitting action of Coastal Championship Wrestling!