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C. AzeezW
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Savion TruittW
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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August 19th Impact
- Updated: August 20, 2021

August 19th Impact
iMPACT! RECAP – August 19, 2021
(BTI) Tasha Steelz defeats Havok…Savannah Evans gets up on the apron, she is confronted by Rosemary…Savannah delivers a big boot to Rosemary…as the ref attends to Rosemary, Savannah yanks Havok down across the top rope…Havok turns around into a codebreaker by Tasha, who flips into the cover for the win (06:48).
*Josh Matthews & Gia Miller start the show in the ring talking about Christian’s big win over Kenny Omega…W. Morrissey & Eddie Edwards suddenly appear in front of the ‘tron & brawl towards the ring…Eddie is getting the worst of it until Sami Callihanmakes the save with the Callihan Slugger.
(1) Sami Callihan/Chris Sabin defeat Moose/Ace Austin…Sabin tags himself in, Sami is not pleased…Sabin hits the Cradle Shock on Ace for the win (12:55)…AFTER…Sami raises Sabin’s hands, then kicks him in the gut & delivers a piledriver.
*Good Brothers footage from NJPW Resurgence leads into backstage promo…they had fun beating up Jon Moxley…warn Guerillas of Destiny not to start an issue between them…end with Gallows looking forward to his big “Monsters” match against Doering tonight.
*Sami Callihan backstage…takes credit for taking “pieces” out of Kenny Omega until he was ripe for the picking…Eddie Edwards interrupts, insists he didn’t need Sami’s help earlier…no fisticuffs.
(2) Matt Cardona defeats Shera…Radio Silence for the win (10:26).
*Locker Room Talk with Madison Rayne (& Johnny Swinger)…joined by guest Tenille (& Kaleb) via split screen from the set of her show “All About Me”…Madison & Tenille blow smoke up each other’s keisters…Kaleb & Swinger have a humorous Millennial/Boomer argument…the big news coming out of this segment, apparently Madison will face Taylor Wilde tomorrow at Emergence.
*Josh Alexander backstage with Gia…happy to have Christian as Impact champion…not scared that Jake is bigger & stronger than him…Jake Something overhears, is offended, goes to Scott for an “I’ll show you match”…Kaleb is with Scott, furious at his treatment last week & looking to fight Scott…Jake demands a match tonight…what serendipity!…it will be Jake vs. Kaleb later tonight.
*Christian Cage to the ring…gets a hearty “Welcome back” chant…Christian has spoken to Scott & decided to respectfully retire the TNA Heavyweight Championship & its’ impressive legacy while concentrating on the Impact World Championship & the future…hands the TNA belt to David Penzer, who carries it backstage…Brian Myers interrupts, tomorrow that title “belongs to me”…Myers pushes Sam Beale into Christian, Beale eats a right hand, Myers bails like a coward.
(3) Melina defeats Brandi Lauren…California Dream (rolled over Muta-Lock) for the submission win (02:07)…AFTER…Deonna Purrazzo attacks…they roll around, trading the upper hand until Matthew Rehwoldt slides in & holds Melina for Deonna to use as a punching bag…Trey makes the save & the two faces clear the ring.
*John Skylar backstage with Gia…he’s not shocked by his win over Cardona…they’re interrupted by yelling nearby…Juice Robinson has been attacked & David Finlay is calling for help.
(4) Jake Something defeats Kaleb…in a NO DQ MATCH (for no clear reason)…Jake spears Kaleb through a table & covers him for the win (02:06)…AFTER…Josh Alexander to the ring…Jake & Josh go face-to-face & nod in mutual respect.
*Su Yung holds a strand of Kiera Hogan’s blue hair…Undead Kimber creeps into frame, “I hope it pleased you, mother, I’ve collected the first soul…but not the last.”
(5) Joe Doering defeats Doc Gallows…they fight up the ramp & Gallows hits a “Sky High” putting both men through a gimmicked portion of the stage…both men “Emerge” & return to the ring (somehow not being counted out)…Gallows comes off the 2nd buckle but Doering cuts him off with a big lariat for the clean 1-2-3 win (16:13).
(1) Deonna Purrazzo & Matthew Rehwoldt vs. Melina & Trey
(2) Matt Cardona vs. Rohit Raju
(3) Maclin vs. Petey Williams
(4) Madison Rayne vs. Taylor Wilde
(5) Decay (Steve/Taurus/Rosemary/Havok) vs. Fallah/No Way/Tasha Steelz/Savannah Evans
(6) Josh Alexander (c) vs. Jake Something – X-Division Championship
(7) Moose vs. Chris Sabin vs. Sami Callihan vs. Ace Austin – #1 Contender for Impact title
(8) Christian Cage vs. Brian Myers – iMPACT! World Championship
(9) Good Brothers (c) vs. VBD vs. Swann/Willie Mack – iMPACT! Tag Team Championship
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