Minutes to Bell Time

December 17th ROH TV Episode

December 17th ROH TV Episode

ROH TV Results

This is a special top prospect episode.

Rayo defeats Eric Martin, Adrian Soriano, Joe Keys – 07:53

  • Rayo used a big top rope elbow smash for the pinfall victory.

Matt Makowski defeats Dante Caballero – 11:08

  • Makowski used a cross arm breaker for the submission victory.

Josh Woods defeats Dak Draper – 13:44 – Pure Championship Match

  • Dalton Castle makes his way to the ring to talk about how excited he is for this match.
  • Castle says this is basically an exhibition. . .there’s no spice.
  • Castle asks Woods to put the title on the line.
  • Woods says that Dak has to earn the shot like everyone else.
  • When Dak and Dalton attempt to leave, Josh agrees to put the title on the line.
  • Woods used the Gorilla Slam for the pinfall victory.

Next Week

  • Holidead v. Rok-C – ROH World CHampionship
  • ROH Annual Christmas Tag Surprise.


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