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Bobby RoodeW
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December 1st AEW Dynamite
- Updated: December 1, 2021

December 1st AEW Dynamite
AEW Dynamite Results
*Live from Atlanta, GA tonight…we start the show with best wishes for Jim Ross during his time away from the announce table…Excalibur announces the title match between Hangman Page & Bryan Danielson will take place at Winter is Coming…Hangman Page joins commentary.
(1) Bryan Danielson defeats Alan “5” Angels…Danielson hits the running knee but instead of pinning Angels he grabs both his wrists & stomps on his head like he did to Cabana…then sinks in a Knee Bar for the submission win & refuses to release it in a timely fashion (06:42)…
AFTER…Tony in the ring with Bryan Danielson for an interview…Danielson takes pride in possibly injuring Angels, says he’ll take out the Dark Order member from Long Island next week, & the champ in Texas in 2 weeks…Hangman Page has heard enough & gets up from commentary…John Silver cuts Hangman off on the stage & reminds him that Tony Khan has decreed that Hangman & Danielson cannot touch each other before their title match…but Silver has no such restriction so he heads to the ring…Danielson rolls out, says Silver is not worthy.
*Miro promo…he’s still confused & angry.
(2) CM Punk defeats Lee Moriarty…MJF joins commentary & immediately starts taking verbal shots at Punk…Punk hits the GTS for the win (10:23)…AFTER…MJF leaves commentary to cut some more gems on Punk from the ramp…Punk grabs a mic to invite MJF to the ring…MJF not-so-politely declines & continues to get under Punk’s skin…when Punk has had enough & heads up the ramp, MJF hides behind Wardlow.
*Britt Baker (& Rebel, Hayter) backstage with Tony…she’s still pissed TK made her face Riho, but she’s going to make Riho go through Jamie Hayter before she gets that title shot.
*Adam Cole makes his way to the ring, just to head back up the ramp & join commentary…Orange Cassidy pauses his entrance to trade glares with Cole…the Young Bucks out to attack Cassidy…the SuperKliq scatters when Chuck & Wheeler Yuta make the save with chairs.
*Tony Nese promo…Sammy doesn’t deserve to be TNT Champ…he’ll fix that Friday.
(3) Wardlow defeats AC Adams…four rag doll Powerbombs for the win (01:30)…AFTER…Shawn Spears attacks a motionless Adams with a chair just for fun.
*Penta & Pac backstage with Tony…Pac will be filling in for the injured Fenix against FTR.
(4) Darby Allin & Sting defeat Gunn Club…Darby hits the flipping Stunner on Colten…Sting follows with the Scorpion Death Drop on Colten for the win (10:24).
*Chris Jericho backstage with Marves…Daniel Garcia & 2-Point-0 attack…Matt Lee lays Jericho out with a chair.
*Lio Rush out on stage to talk to Taz at the commentary table…Dante Martin out to stand between Lio & Taz along with the rest of Team Taz.
*Jade (& Sterling) backstage…Thunder Rosa interrupts…Rosa will be on commentary for Jade’s match on Rampage vs Rosa’s student.
(5) TBS Title Tournament: Ruby Soho defeats Kris Statlander…Ruby reverses the Big Bang Theory into a roll up pinning combo for the win (10:12)…AFTER…the ladies share a respectful hug before Statlander rolls out…Nyla Rose sneaks in & yanks Ruby off the 2nd buckle…Statlander slides back in & runs Nyla off before she can do any more damage.
(6) Cody Rhodes defeats Andrade…in an ATLANTA STREET FIGHT…Andrade attacks Cody during his entrance & the bell rings…Arn Anderson & Jose battle to the back…later Jose makes it back out, only to get laid out by Cody & his golden shovel…Brandi Rhodes sneaks into the ring & douses a table in lighter fluid & lights it for Cody to hit an inverted Superplex through the flaming table for the win (19:45).
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – December 3, 2021
+ Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Tony Nese – for the TNT Championship
+ Penta & Pac (c) vs. FTR – 2 out of 3 Falls for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Jade Cargill in action (with Thunder Rosa on commentary)
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – December 8, 2021
+ Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale III
+ Jamie Hayter vs. Riho
+ Bryan Danielson vs. John Silver
+ Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. Bryan Danielson – for the AEW World Championship
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