- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedOmos
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
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L - Not RatedBelair
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Dynamite Live Results
- Updated: February 19, 2020

Live Results Begin at 8PM Eastern
Young Bucks win the Battle Royal for a Championship Match at Revolution
The teams featured in the graphic include Strong Hearts (Cima and T-Hawk), Best Friends, Reynolds and Silver, TH2, Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus), Butcher and Blade, Young Bucks, SCU, Private Party, and Proud and Powerful.
- Everyone eliminates Jack Evans
- T-Hawk eliminated by Cassidy
- Reynolds and Silver eliminated SCU
- Young Bucks eliminated Reynolds and Silver
- Luchasaurus eliminated Cima
- Butcher eliminated Nick Jackson
- Ortiz eliminated Marc Quen
- Santana and Ortiz eliminated Kassidy
- Luchasaurus eliminated Angelico
- Santana and Ortiz eliminated Jungle Boy
- Santana, Ortiz, Butcher, and Blade eliminated Luchasaurus
- Butcher eliminated Chuck Taylor
- Trent and Matt Jackson eliminate the Blade
- Butcher eliminated Trent
- Matt Jackson eliminated Butcher
- Matt Jackson eliminated Ortiz
- Matt Jackson eliminated Santana
Young Bucks Win!
Commentary Team Run Through the Card
Britt Baker joins for commentary
Kris Statlander defeated Shanna
Statlander exchanged five or six nose pokes before they got a little more vicious. AEW went to commercial break.
Back from the break, Statlander hit a running knee in the corner. Statlander went for a top rope move, but Shanna caught her and hung Kris up in the tree of woe. Shanna climbed the ropes and hit a double stomp. With Statlander on the mat, Shanna hit a low drop kick to the face.
Statlander caught Shanna running in and connected with the Big Bang Theory.
Recap of Nyla Rose vs. Riho from Last Week
Interview with Nyla Rose
“Do you know what happens when I get hungry? I break people!” Nyla says she represents unbridled power and that she is the Queen Bee in this hive! She will be a one time champion because nobody can beat her.
This brought Kris Statlander out who put her finger on the championship belt. Big Swole then came out. Officials broke everything up.
Recap of Jericho’s Jeff Cobb Announcement and Arrival
Jon Moxley defeated Jeff Cobb
Jericho, Sammy, and Jake came out to sit ringside.
Cobb immediately hit an overhead belly to belly suplex and followed it up with a dropkick. The two battled to the outside on a couple of occasions.
Back from commercial, Cobb nearly hit Tour of the Islands, but Moxley countered. Moxley went for a double axe handle from the top turnbuckle to the floor, but Cobb stepped aside and hit a belly to belly suplex on the floor. Back int he ring, Cobb hit an Oklahoma Stampede.
Moxley went for a Paradigm Shift, but Cobb pushed him into the corner and hit a running European uppercut. Cobb then hit a Superplex on Moxley, but Jon hooked the leg cradling Cobb for the win.
Post Match Angles
The Inner Circle hit the ring bringing out Dustin Rhodes. When they got the numbers advantage on Rhodes, the lights went out. When they came back on . . . Darby Allin came out. Darby cleared the ring with his skateboard. Cobb tried to hit Allin with an overhead belly to belly, but Allin flipped through and Moxley hit a DDT on Cobb.
Jericho and Moxley then made contact, but Jericho slipped out.
Adam Page and Kenny Omega defeated the Lucha Brothers
Omega and Page took the first minute of the match with tandem offense on Fenix. They hit the “you can’t escape” and shooting star press combo for a near fall. Fenix and Pentagon turned things around with tandem offense of their own isolating Kenny Omega before the commercial.
Hangman got the hot tag and hit a sliding lariat on Pentagon for a near fall. Fenix countered a tandem move to hit a cutter on Page, and Pentagon got a running destroyer on Omega.
Fenix used a rope Running PK on Omega and followed up with an extremely high hurricanrana to send Omega to the floor. Page ran across the ring and hit a moonsault from the turnbuckle to the floor on Pentagon.
Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but he hit accidently hit Omega. Pentagon and Fenix were unable to put Omega away.
Omega evaded a move and followed up with a Tiger Driver ’98 on Fenix. Hangman Page made a blind tag and they hit the combo v trigger and buckshot lariat for the pinfall victory on Fenix.
AEW Video Showing Toy Line Coming in 2020
Recap of MJF’s Stipulations to Face Cody
Cody defeated Wardlow in a Steel Cage Match
Wardlow sent Cody into the cage right before the commercial break and Cody got busted open.
Back from the break, Cody started making a comeback, but Wardlow hit a low blow. he then hit a spinning F-5 that Excalibur called an F-10. Cody got tossed into the door. MJF tried to get Arn Anderson to slam the door in Cody’s face, but Arn swung the door the other way hitting MJF instead. Wardlow hit a senton for a two count.
MJF passed the diamond ring to Wardlow, but Cody hit a low blow and took the diamond ring. MJF went to climb the cage, but Brandi hit him with a chair twice and Arn tossed MJF over the barricade.
In the ring, Cody hit the Cross Rhodes for a two count. He climbed to the top of the cage and hit a moonsault for a pinfall victory.
Dynamite takes place at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, GA tonight. The show begins at 8:00 PM Eastern on the USA Network. Announced for the show:
Tag Team Battle Royal for a Championship Match at Revolution
The teams featured in the graphic include Strong Hearts (Cima and T-Hawk), Best Friends, Reynolds and Silver, TH2, Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus), Butcher and Blade, Young Bucks, SCU, Private Party, and Proud and Powerful.