- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
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Bobby RoodeW
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February 17th AEW Dynamite
- Updated: February 17, 2021

February 17th AEW Dynamite
Dynamite Results
Check back for the February 17th AEW Dynamite Results. The show begins at 8:00 PM.
Matt Hardy and Adam Page defeat TH2 – 07:04
- Hardy uses the Twist of Fate for the pinfall victory.
Post Match Promo from Matt Hardy
- Matt says that Page looks like a million bucks, and he’ll be getting 30% of Page’s money.
- Hangman Page says that some good friends told him to always keep an extra set of papers in your jacket pocket. Hardy didn’t read the contract, so Page brings out the Jags lawyer with the fully executed contract.
- The contract is for a match at AEW Revolution. If Page wins, he gets all of Matt Hardy’s earnings from the first quarter of 2021.
- Page says he thinks we have a money match. Hardy says great, and then Isaiah Kassidy attacks Page from behind.
- The Dark Order made the save for Adam Page.
Inner Circle Promo
- Santana and Ortiz acknowledge that this is their first title match. They’re mad about it.
- MJF screams about Sammy Guevara not apologizing.
- Jericho tells MJF that a lot of this was his fault, but Sammy is more at fault. Sammy is dead to Chris Jericho.
Monday on You Tube
- Britt Baker v. Anna Jay
- Tay Conti v. Nyla Rose
- Ryo Mizunami v. Aja Kong
- Emi Sakura v. Yuka Sakazaki
Riho defeats Serena Deeb – 11:48
- Riho and Serena exchanged pinfall attempts and cradles. Riho eventually got a cradle for the win.
Jade Cargill and Shaq Training Video
Orange Cassidy defeats Luther – 01:47
- Cassidy used the Orange Punch for the pinfall victory.
Team Taz Promo
- Taz actually calls out Sting. Sting comes to the ring and drops his bat.
- When Sting goes after Cage, Hook grabs the bat and goes after Sting.
- Cage powerbombed Sting to end the segment.
Eddie Kingston Promo
- Kingston needs to get rid of his three demons (Mox, Fenix, Archer).
Kenny Omega Reads to Children
- He plans to read the Young Bucks to the kids.
- Omega and Callis had to leave, so they left Nakazawa.
The Young Bucks defeat Santana and Ortiz – 13:07
- Nick Jackson got the win over Ortiz with an inside cradle
Post Match
- The Inner Circle attacks the Young Bucks. Don Callis doesn’t let Kenny Omega come to the ring.
- Brandon Cutler tries to make the save. He’s not successful. The Inner Circle scatters only when the Good Brothers come to the ring.
A Message from Brandi Rhodes
- They do a gender reveal. It’s a girl.
Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Announced for AEW Revolution
- Penta, Scorpio Sky, and Cody have been announced as competitors. Winner will get a TNT Title Match.
FTR defeats Matt and Mike Sydal – 08:53
- FTR hit the big rig for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
- FTR grabbed Doc Sampson’s medical kit with plans of cutting the hair of Mike Sydal.
- The lights went out, and Jurassic Express appeared in the ring.
- Jurassic Express cleared the ring.
Next Week
- Hangman Page v. Isiah Kassidy
- SemiFinal Match in Women’s Title Eliminator
- Ricky Starks and Brian Cage v. Varsity Blondes
- Jake Hager v. Brandon Cutler
- FTR and Tully Blanchard v. Jurassic Express
Moxley Promo
- He is focused on Kenta first, but Kenny next.
Lance Archer, Fenix, Jon Moxley defeat Eddie Kingston, Butcher, Blade – 11:12
- Kingston hit Mox with the spinning back fist, which Moxley barely sold.
- Moxley hit the paradigm shift for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
- The Good Brothers come out and beat down Moxley. Omega follows, and he explains that he’s received his late Valentine from Tony Khan. Moxley has a rematch clause, and Omega will give him the rematch at Revolution.
- Omega says it will be a exploding barbed wire death match.
Dynamite Preview
AEW has 6 advertised opening round matches for tonight’s show.
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Quick Preview
- FTR (1-0) v. Matt and Mike Sydal (0-0)
- Hangman Page and Matt Hardy (1-0) v. TH2 (0-0)
- Orange Cassidy (0-0) v. Luther (0-0)
- Sting calls out Team Taz
- Serena Deeb (2-0) v. Riho (0-0) – Eliminator Tournament
- Young Bucks (0-0) v. Santana and Ortiz (3-1) – Tag Team Championships
- Eddie Kingston, Butcher, Blade (0-0) v. Moxley, Fenix, Archer (0-0)