- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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January 3, 2022 Monday Night Raw
- Updated: January 3, 2022

January 3, 2022 Monday Night Raw
Monday Night Raw Results
*Live from Greensboro, South Carolina.
*Announcement…fatal 4-way tonight between Big E., Rollins, Owens, & Lashley to see who will face Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble.
*Paul Heyman starts the show in the ring & introduces his client Brock Lesnar…Lesnar gives a shout out to his “buddy” Roman Reigns who is at home recovering…Brock asks South Carolina to “acknowledge” him…thanks his advocate for pulling strings to make his title win possible.
*Randy & Riddle in Gorilla Position…Riddle talking nonsense…Randy plays into it just enough to be hilarious…they head to the ring…Alpha Academy follow…Chad & Otis attack before the bell as we go to commercial…
(1) Alpha Academy defeat RKBro…NON-TITLE…Otis counters Riddle’s RKO attempt into a World’s Strongest Slam for the win (>02:53…match started during commercial).
*MVP & Bobby Lashley backstage with Sarah…MVP says it would take a Herculean effort to win the fatal 4-way tonight…Lashley says Brock Lesnar fears him.
*Omos backstage with Kevin Patrick…when asked how he feels about AJ’s comments about him, Omos simply palms Kevin’s face to shut him up.
(2) Dana Brooke & Reggie defeat Tamina & Tozawa…in a 24/7 Championship MIXED TAG MATCH…Tozawa accidentally kicks Tamina in the face…Tamina slaps Tozawa, who turns around into Reggie’s Big Top Pop for the win (01:13)…allowing Dana to retain her title.
*Becky to the ring…says she’s great, blah, blah…Liv Morgan interrupts…she was so close…Bianca Belair interrupts…she wants back into the title picture…Bianca & Liv attack Becky & toss her to the floor, then turn on each other…Becky recovers to end the segment with a Manhandle Slam on Bianca.
*Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins backstage…these “best friends” lay out their plan to make sure one of them wins tonight…then goes on to beat Brock…then they can face each other at WrestleMania.
(3) Queen Zelina & Carmella defeat Nikki ASH & Rhea Ripley…to retain their Women’s Tag Team Championship…Zelina escapes Nikki’s fireman’s carry & rolls Nikki up for the win (02:35).
*Johnny Knoxville reiterates his wish to enter the Royal Rumble…ALSO…Ford & Dawkins announce they’ll be entering before heading to the ring for their match…LATER…Rey & Dom Mysterio declare themselves for the Rumble as well.
(4) Street Profits defeat Apollo Crews & Commander Azeez…Dawkins delivers the spinebuster to Apollo & Ford finishes things off with the frog splash From the Heavens for the win (02:18).
*Damian Priest backstage with Sarah…his champion’s advantage is gone tonight because he can lose his title to Dolph via count out or DQ.
*Doudrop barges into Pearce & Sonya’s office…she’s tired of seeing Bianca & Liv get chances at Becky & the title…she wants her shot…Sonya sets up a triple threat #1 contender’s match for next week: Doudrop vs Bianca vs Liv.
(5) Damian Priest defeats Dolph Ziggler…to retain his United States Championship…Robert Roode knocks Priest off the top buckle, allowing Dolph to hit a Fame-ass-er for 2…Priest goes outside to handle Roode & almost gets counted out…returns to the ring with a chair which Dolph begs him to use…he regains his senses & hits the Reckoning for the win (09:37).
*Austin Theory interrupts Vince during a phone call…Theory gets some lessons on interrupting…then Vince tells Theory he will be part of the Royal Rumble match.
*Miz & Maryse to the ring…Miz says Edge hid behind his wife…Maryse says if Beth was here she would punch her in the face…Edge & Beth Phoenix to the ring…Edge proposes the mixed tag match we all knew was coming…Miz accepts…Maryse is not pleased & wants nothing to do with Beth.
*Big E. backstage with Kevin P…no shame in losing to Brock…tonight he starts his path back to regaining his title.
(6) Omos defeats AJ Styles…Omos dominates from the opening bell…he mercifully ends it with a sky high, two-handed ChokeBomb for the win (03:45).
*Alexa Bliss video package…remembering her Extreme Rules meltdown…next week she begins her “journey back to Raw.”
(7) Bobby Lashley defeats Big E., Kevin Owens, & Seth Rollins…in a FATAL 4-WAY #1 CONTENDER’S MATCH…Lashley Spears Owens for the win (18:40)…and will now face Brock Lesnar at Royal Rumble…
*Brock Lesanr backstage with Kevin P…when asked if he has a comment (presumably on his new #1 contender) Brock tells Kevin to pass along a message to Roman Reigns, that he will see him on SmackDown this Friday.
WWE RAW (Philly) PREVIEW – January 10, 2022
+ Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair – Winner faces Becky at Royal Rumble
+ Alexa Bliss begins her journey back to Raw
WWE ROYAL RUMBLE PREVIEW – Sat, January 29, 2022
+ Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Bobby Lashley – for the WWE Championship
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