- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
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L - Not RatedBelair
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- Why Do We Study Wrestling History?: Part 1 – A Disaster of the First Magnitude
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July 31st Impact Homecoming
- Updated: August 2, 2021

July 31st Impact Homecoming
Impact Homecoming Results
(1) Tournament R.1: Deonna/Matthew “Drama King” Rehwoldt defeatAlisha/Hernandez…Rehwoldt hits a front-falling DDT on Hernandez for the win (07:32).
(2) Tournament R.1: Chelsea Green/Matt Cardona defeat Thicc Mama Pump/Little Petey Pump…Chelsea hits Unprettier on Jordan for the win (10:22)…AFTER…Maclin attacks Petey, hits his sit out Curtain Call.
(3) Tournament R.1: Rachael Ellering/Tommy Dreamer defeat Missy Hyatt/Bryan Myers…Missy comes dressed for the mall in jeans & spiked pumps…Missy tags in & right back out, which results in a sarcastic “you still got it” chant from the dozens in attendance…Myers survives a Spicoli Driver & looks for a tag, Missy hops off the apron & heads up the ramp…Dreamer gets Myers in the electric chair…Rachael hits the Doomsday Device on Myers & Tommy covers for the win (05:22).
*Violent By Design promo…not a club or faction, VBD is a way of life…“This world belongs to us!”
(4) Tournament R.1: Decay defeat Fallah Flava…Fallah accidentally hits corner avalanche on Tasha…Crazzy Steve with 2nd buckle jumping DDT on Fallah for the win (09:13).
*Maclin backstage…why attack Petey?…because he put his nose in Maclin’s business…but he’s moving on…because he wants the X-Division Championship.
(5) Deaner defeats Willie Mack…Willie hits Stunner but Rhino puts Deaner’s foot on the ropes…Swann takes out Rhino at ringside, getting the ref’s attention…Eric young hits Willie with flagpole…Deaner hits DDT for the win (09:42).
*Matt Cardona & Chelsea Green backstage with Gia…they’re always ready…are Deonna & Rehwoldt ready for them?
(6) Tournament R.2: Deonna/Rehwoldt defeat Chelsea/Cardona…Rehwoldt hits the front-falling DDT on Cardona for the win (09:34).
*Missy Hyatt backstage with Gia…Myers & Beale interrupt…Myers asks Missy how she could have been in this business for “100 years” & not know a single move…she reminds him she’s managed plenty of champions who all had something Myers doesn’t: originality…Myers walks off…Missy flirts with Beale, tells him to close his eyes & pucker up for a surprise…she blasts him with her purse & calls him a “stupid mark!”
(7) Tournament R.2: Decay defeat Rachael/Dreamer…Dreamer hits piledriver on Rosemary…gets Crazzy Steve up in Fireman’s carry…Steve wiggles free & attempts sunset flip, Dreamer sits down for a pin…Steve kicks out to shift weight & reverse Tommy into a roll up for the win (10:58).
*Eddie Edwards backstage with Gia…the only way W. Morrissey beats him is if he’s no longer breathing…Alisha brings him ‘Kenny’ & tells him to end this for good.
(8) Josh Alexander defeats Black Taurus…to retain his X-Division Championship…Divine Intervention for the win (16:09).
*Deonna & Rehwoldt backstage with Gia…Deonna very happy with her choice of partner…they are about to become the rightful royalty of Impact Wrestling.
(9) Tournament FINAL: Deonna/Rehwoldt defeat Decay…Deonna hits the Queen’s Gambit (I guess I have to stop calling it La Cosa Nostra) on Rosemary for the win (11:16)…AFTER…Gia Miller presents the crowns…Deonna & Rehwoldt crown each other Homecoming 2021 King & Queen.
(10) Eddie Edwards defeats W. Morrissey…in a HARDCORE MATCH…Eddie hits Boston Knee Party with a chain wrapped around his leg for the win (18:37).
iMPACT! PREVIEW – August 5, 2021
+ Kenny Omega & the Good Brothers vs. Sami Callihan/ Frankie Kazarian/ Eddie Edwards
iMPACT! PREVIEW – August 12, 2021
+ #1 Contender’s Battle Royal – Winner faces Kenny Omega at Emergence
+ Kenny Omega (c) vs. Battle Royal Winner – iMPACT! World Championship
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