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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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March 10th Episode of AEW Dark
- Updated: March 10, 2020

March 10th Episode of AEW Dark
Results for March 10th Episode of AEW Dark are below. Check the Minutes to Bell Time Facebook Page, or follow either the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram or Twitter to get all the news.
March 10th Episode of AEW Dark Results
Excalibur and Tazz Run Through the Card
Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy Defeat Peter Avalon and Kip Sabian
Luchasaurus begins with Kip Sabian and both evade a number of offensive moves until Luchasaurus shoves Sabian back into the corner. Sabian tagged in Avalon and Luchasaurus tagged out to Jungle Boy. After an arm drag and a head scissors takeover, Jungle Boy connected with a drop kick on Peter Avalon.With Sabian legal, Jungle Boy slammed him and then hit a tornillo on Avalon to send him out. Jungle Boy went for a springboard move, but Penelope Ford grabbed his leg allowing Kip to take advantage.
With Avalon back in the ring, he hit a leg lariat on Jungle Boy. Avalon and Sabian continued to isolate Jungle Boy, but Avalon missed a big moonsault. Penelope Ford grabbed one of Leva’s books causing a distraction for the referee. With Bates and Ford fighting on the outside, Avalon got distracted giving Jungle Boy an opportunity to tag Luchasaurus. After a number of kicks and a standing moonsault to Avalon, Luchasaurus got a near fall that Sabian broke up. Luchasaurus used a tail whip to send Sabian to the floor. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus then used combination offense to defeat Avalon by pinfall.
Jimmy Havoc Defeats Severino Corente
Havoc focused on the left arm of Corente and then dished out forearms and chops in the corner. After a snap mare, Havoc used a fish hook, but Corente raked Havoc’s eyes to get a temporary advantage. When Corente ran into the corner, Havoc stuck up his fee and slammed him into the match. Havoc then climbed the rope and hit a double stomp from the second rope. Corente countered the Acid Rainmaker and German suplexed Havoc into the turnbuckle. Jimmy Havoc countered a fishhook by Corente by biting him and poking him in the eye. After two DDT’s and a rolling Death Valley driver, Havoc hit the Acid Rainmaker for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Luther attacked Jimmy Havoc on the ramp. After the brief attack, Havoc was left laying on the ramp.
Control Center
Tony and Dasha Gonzales ran through the upcoming locations for AEW Dynamite. They also advertised the new Nightmare Family shirt featuring Pharaoh on the front. Twenty percent of the proceeds go to Planned Pethood International.
Hikaru Shida defeats Abadon
The match began with Grecco Roman Knuckle Lock, but Abadon immediately attempted to bite Shida. After hitting the ropes, Shida knocked Abadon to the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Abadon then came at Shida with a head scissors takeover. After a DDT, Abadon tied Shida up in the ropes and licked the side of Shida’s face. After several strikes, Shida tossed Abadon in the corner and used a high knee strike and a missile dropkick to knock her down. When Abadon kicked out, Shida hit her with a hard forearm and a knee strike for a pair of near falls. Shida continued the offense with a vertical suplex and a knee strike for the pinfall victory.
Backstage Interview with Jimmy Havoc
Dasha asked if he had any injuries following the attack from Luther. Havoc responded to say that he is always sore. He went on to begin thanking Luther for doing exactly as he expected, but Luther attacked again.
Leva Bates and Peter Avalon with Colt Cabana
The Librarians declared that Written in the Stars is the Book of the Month, and they ran into Colt Cabana. Avalon and Colt argued back and forth about listening to podcasts vs. reading. Seems like we’re going to get a Colt vs. Peter match soon.
Private Party defeats Sonny Kiss and Brandon Cutler
Cutler and Kassidy begin the match exchanging arm ringers. Cutler, Kiss, Kassidy, and Quen couldn’t hit anything as everyone evaded. Sonny Kiss hit Quen with a split kick, but Quen sent Kiss into the Private Party corner where they hit a double stomp. Private Party hit a number of tandem moves on Sonny Kiss as Brandon Cutler watched from the apron. Kiss evaded a suplex and made the tag to Cutler. Brandon hit a springboard double clothesline to send both members of private party to the mat. After a pair of springboard leg drops, a suicide dive, and a diving elbow, Brandon Cutler earned a near fall. With Kiss back in the ring, he knocked both to the outside where he used a mule kick and a PK before landing a moonsault on Quen.
Quen evaded a split kick from Sonny and then hit a standing moonsault. Brandon Cutler hit a pair of TPK’s, but he could not make the cover because Sonny was legal. Private Party hit Gin and Juice for the pinfall victory.
Death Triangle Attacks
After the match, Death Triangle attacked Private Party, Sonny Kiss, and Cutler. Pac grabbed the microphone to tell the fans they couldn’t have a Happy Ending this week. He went on to say that if AEW continues to disrespects athletes of Death Triangle’s caliber, then we’ll have anarchy. Nobody is safe. Joey Janela tried to make a save, but Death Triangle took him out too. When Best friends hit the ring, Death Trinagle excused themselves.