- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
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L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 11th Episode of Dynamite
- Updated: March 11, 2020

March 11th Episode of Dynamite
Results for the March 11th Episode of Dynamite will begin at 8:00 PM Eastern.
Note: I did not attended this show live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see my experience.
March 11th Episode of Dynamite Results
Tony Shiavone Asks Adam Page Who He Has for a Tag Team Partner
Page says that it will definitely not be Matt Jackson. Maybe his younger brother if he has recovered from the beating Page gave him two weeks ago.
Cody defeats Ortiz by Submission
Ortiz began the match running the ropes, and Cody caught him with a dropkick and powerslam. Lance Archer and Jake Roberts began walking to the ringside area providing a distraction and allowing Ortiz to clothesline Cody to the outside. While Ortiz tossed Cody into the barricade, Cody immediately answered by throwing Ortiz into the steel stairs. Back in the ring, Cody cinched in a single leg crab. Santana provided another distraction allowing Ortiz to sweep Cody’s legs. After a snap suplex , Ortiz tossed Cody out of the ring and distracted the referee allowing Santana to get a few cheap shots.
Cody managed to hit Ortiz with a forearm and a release vertical suplex followed by ten fists in the corner. As Cody went to the top rope, Ortiz caught him, but then spent too much time showboating. Santana got involved again, but Brandi whipped him with her belt. Santana’s interference did allow Ortiz to hit a superplex.
As Santana seemed to get in an altercation with Arn Anderson, Cody bypassed Ortiz and hit a suicide dive on Santana. After a suplex to Ortiz on the ramp, the action made its way back into he ring. Ortiz countered the crossroads, but then Cody hit a dragon screw leg whip in the ring ropes leading to his submission victory with the figure four.
Post Match
Santana hit Cody with the slapjack drawing out both Matt Jackson and Kenny Omega. Chris Jericho came on the screen to remind them that Jericho and the Inner Circle has everyone on notice. Jericho then let them know that they beat up Nick Jackson. The camera panned to show that Nick Jacksons face was lodged between the floor and a garage door. Nick had blood running from his mouth.
Commentary Team
They show footage of Nick Jackson being escorted out by ambulance and then they ran through the evening’s card.
Nyla Rose and Bea Priestly defeat Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander
Nyla Rose and Bea Priestly attacked as soon as the bell rang with Kris and Bea rolling to the outside. Rose took Shida off her feat with a clothesline and followed up with a scoop slam and leg drop. Priestly tagged into the match and proceeded to wear Shida down by pushing and scraping her foot into Hikaru Shida’s face. After a running knee strike, Priestly tagged out to Nyla Rose. A vertical suplex earned Nyla Rose a near fall. Shida managed to hit a running knee strike, which gave her the opportunity to tag out to Kris Statlander before Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from commercial, Priestly had Statlander held in a submission. Statlander escaped the move, hit a back breaker, and tagged out to Hikaru Shida. With Shida back in the ring, Shida suplexed her partner Kris Statlander into Priestley. Both women exchanged kicks before Bea got the tag to Nyla Rose. Nyla set Hikaru Shida up for her top rope knee drop, but Statlander pulled Shida out of harms way and Shida followed up with a running knee strike. A Michinoku driver earned Shida a near fall that Priestly had to break up.
Nyla Rose used a spear and a powerbomb to secure the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Bea Priestly attacked her partner Nyla Rose after the match. She picked up the belt and tossed it back at Nyla Rose.
Recap of Christopher Daniels Issues with the Dark Order
Christopher Daniels did a Dark Order-Like Promo
He says “Screw the Dark Order.” Daniels challenges Uno and Grayson to singles matches to prove that no exalted one exists.
Butcher, Blade, and MJF defeat Jurassic Express
MJF began the match wearing his “I Pinned Cody” shirt, and he immediately shoved Marko into the corner. Luchasaurus came in and intimidated MJF. Butcher and Blade attacked Luchasaurus giving their team the advantage. MJF and team started executing quick tags with Luchasaurus in their corner. Butcher and Blade had complete control over Luchasaurus when Dynamite went to commercial.
Back from commercial, MJF and team were triple teaming Luchasaurus and Aubrey Edwards had to physically insert herself. Luchasaurus finally got a tag to Jungle Boy who went crazy on all three of his opponents. Stunt and got caught when he went for a cross body on MJF and Blade, but Jungle Boy used a suicide dive to take Blade and MJF off their feet. Luchasaurus followed up hitting a tope con hilo on all there opponents.
A few moments later, Butcher and Luchasaurus squared off in the ring with both men taking each other rout. Marko Stunt tagged back into the match and hit MJF with about 30 strikes. After interference from Bunny and Wardlow, MJF cinched in the Salt of the Earth for the pinfall victory.
Recap of Darby Allin’s Efforts on Last Week’s Dynamite
Darby Allin showed a video where he put Sammy Guevara in a body bag and dragged him around a field with a truck.
Tony Shiavone Interview with Britt Baker
Britt Baker says she’s happy Tony is in the building because Utah has nothing going on. She then commented on the audiences oral health and weight. She mentioned that everyone looks similar. . .almost like a giant family reunion. Big Swole came out and Baker said the only person anyone cares about in her household is her boyfriend. Swole answered by saying “I’m married Bay Bay.”
Death Triangle defeats Private Party and Joey Janela
Death Triangle ran at all three members of the opposition. Pac and Kassidy began the match with Kassidy hitting an arm drag and a leg lariat. With Fenix in the move, Private Party hit Silly String before tagging in Joey Janela to face off with Pentagon. Janela took Pentagon off his feet with a clothesline. With Death Triangle trying to regroup on the outside, Joey Janela leaped from the turnbuckle onto the pile before Dynamite went to a commercial break.
Back from commercial, Death Triangle had an advantage on Kassidy, but Kassidy got a tag off to Joey Janela. With Fenix on the outside, Janela hit a suicide dive. Janela hit an assisted Death Valley on Fenix followed by a senton from Kassidy and a shooting star press from Quen. Death Triangle quickly took back over, but Janela hit Pac with a Death Valley driver on the apron. He followed up with an elbow drop for a near fall.
Pentagon kicked Janela, Fenix hit him with a cutter, and the Lucha Bros used the stomp assisted pile driver to setup Pac to hit the black arrow for the pinfall victory.
Post Match Beat Down
Death Triangle tied up Private Party and Janela and stretched them until the Best Friends hit the ring.
Lexi Nair interview with Dustin Rhodes
He is tired of the inner circle beating everyone up. Dustin says he is Page’s partner whether he likes it or not. They’re going to beat some people up and do some cowboy shit.
Clips of Several Candidates for Shawn Spears Tag Team Partner
Blood and Guts Rules
- 2 Men start with a 5 minute round.
- Every 2 minutes another person enters.
- Match officially begins when everyone has entered
- Win is determined only by submission or surrender. No pins.
JR Interview with Jon Moxley
Moxley is not feeling well, bent out of shape, and pissed off. Jon Moxley wouldn’t miss Blood and Guts for the world. Moxley says that the Inner Circle has this battle with the Elite, which leaves him in the Inner Circle’s blind spot. If the Inner Circle is as smart as they say they are, then Moxley says that scares them.
Adam Page and Dustin defeat Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara
Page and Guevara start the match. After four chops, Page tagged Rhodes into the match. Jericho dropkicked Page off the apron and into the Inner Circle members standing on the outside. When Jericho attempted to mock Page by getting a cup of beer, Page countered and stole Jericho’s beer. Guevarahit a PK off the apron to give the advantage back to the Inner Circle.
Back in the ring, Dustin got a tag hitting his running bulldog and a powerslam before handing Sammy and Jericho a few fists to the face. The Inner Circle did bring things back to their advantage before Dynamite went to a commercial break.
Back from the commercial break, Jericho and Sammy had Dustin isolated. When Chris Jericho attempted to hit the lion-sault, Dusting put his knees up which allowed him the opportunity to tag in Hangman Page. After a fallaway slam to Sammy, a diving cross body to Jericho, and a sliding clothesline to Sammy, Page nearly got the pinfall. Dustin Rhodes and Adam Page stood on the top rope and both hit moonsaults to various members of the inner circle.
Sammy missed a shooting star press, but Jericho prevented Page from retaliating with a buckshot lariat. Back in the ring, Dustin hit Sammy with a Code Red followed by a Buckshot Lariat by Hangman Page.
Post Match
The entire Inner Circle jumped Page and Dustin. Omega and Cody hit the ring, but they were overwhelmed by the numbers. The Inner Circle attempted to hit Page with a triple powerbomb, but Matt Jackson made the save. Matt Jackson gave Page the middle finger and Jericho hit them both with a chair.
March 11th Episode of Dynamite Preview
Dynamite takes place at the Maverick Center in Salt Lake City, UT. The show begins at 8:00 PM Eastern on TNT.
Announced for the show:
Butcher, Blade, and MJF vs. Jurassic Express
This will be MJF’s first match since his victory over Cody at AEW Revolution. MJF hasn’t lost and Butcher and Blade haven’t won. MJF defeated Jungle Boy on the February 12 episode of AEW Dynamite by using a Diamond ring as a weapon.
Private Party and Joey Janela vs. Death Triangle
While Death Triangle has made their presence known at AEW Revolution, AEW Dynamite (3/4), and AEW Dark (3/10), this marks the first time Death Triangle formally competes as a team.
Cody vs. Ortiz
This match previews the upcoming Inner Circle vs. Elite Blood and Guts match that takes place on the March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite.
Hangman Adam Page and a Mystery Partner vs. Sammy Guevara and Chris Jerico
This match previews the upcoming Inner Circle vs. Elite Blood and Guts match that takes place on the March 25th Episode of AEW Dynamite.
Blood and Guts Rules Revealed
A War Games match will occur on the March 25th Edition of AEW Dynamite. AEW announces the rules for that match tonight.