- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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March 18th Episode of Dynamite
- Updated: March 18, 2020

March 18th Episode of Dynamite
Results for the March 18th Episode of Dynamite will begin at 8:00 PM Eastern.
Note: I did not attended this show live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see my experience.
March 18th Episode of Dynamite Results
Dynamite Opens with Cody Standing in the Ring
Talks about how the world is small. He says that as human beings, we need to stand together, which means that for many of us that means living at a distance. He needs to ask three men to put aside their differences. Cody speaks to Matt Jackson and tells him that his anger toward Adam Page is misplaced. He tells Adam Page to get over it and be the difference maker. Cody says he needs the real Kenny Omega, and he wants the best bout machine. He wants the Elite to be Elite.
Matt Jackson and Kenny Omega walked out. Kenny took the microphone. He talks about not seeing eye to eye with Cody, the world is falling down around us, but if it is up to him – he wants to go out the way they came in, as the Elite.
Matt took a turn. He says, “Its just the three of us. Where’s Adam Page?” Hangman walls out on the stage. Matt says, “things have been strange and we can’t fix it tonight. He asks Page if he will stand with them tonight and at Blood Guts.” Page just raises his glass and says “yes.”
Kenny says “All we can do is give you the best show we can give. Everyone needs entertainment. Kenny says hit the lights and pyro and let’s start Dynamite.”
Commentary Team Consists of Taz, Excalibur, and Jim Ross
They run through the card and play a video package on the Death Triangle.
Tony Shiavone Ringside with MJF
MJF says he doesn’t have to wrestle because the winner’s purse doesn’t interest him. Shawn Spears is also at ringside, and they appear to be making wagers on the matches.
Brandi Rhodes is doing the Ring Announcing Tonight
Lucha Bros defeat the Best Friends
Orange Cassidy joins the commentary team.
Fenix and Trent start the match as Ross and Taz comment on the toughness of Trent’s bandana. Trent and Fenix exchanged chops, elbows, and Fenix snuck in a few kicks. As both men ran the ropes, Trent hit a running meteora and kicked Fenix in the back before tagging in Chuck Taylor.
The Best Friends isolate Fenix hitting a delayed combination vertical suplex. Chuck hit a dropkick and held Fenix in place, so Trent could hit a double axe handle. After Fenix poked Trent in the eyes , he managed a tag to Pentagon. The Lucha Bros hit a pair of thrust kicks for a two count. Pentagon and Fenix really focused on Trent for the next few minutes. All of a sudden, Orange Cassidy stood up. That was a lot of movement.
After messing up a Tiger Feint Kick, Trent hit a cross body to the floor on Pentagon. Fenix answered with a cross body on Trent, but Chuck Taylor hit Fenix with a running clothesline as Dynamite went to commercial.
Back form the break, the Lucha Bros had the advantage over Trent. After Trent reversed an arm drag, he hit a tornado DDT allowing him to get a tag to Chuck Taylor. Best Friends hit a combo cutter, but they didn’t get the pinfall. Lucha Bros attempted to hit a piledriver on the ramp, but Orange Cassidy distracted them and hit a diving body press on both members Pentagon and Fenix
Back in the ring, Chuck Taylor got a near fall with a pile driver. Pentagon hit a low blow on Trent and then they hit the stomp assisted package pile driver for the victory.
Ringside Interview with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy
Best Friends challenge Lucha Bros to a parking lot fight next week.
Hikaru Shida defeats Penelope Ford, Riho, and Kris Statlander
Ford attacked Riho before the bell and sent her to the outside. JR made a point of saying that this match has a 20 minute time limit. Kip Sabian pulled both Shida and Kris Statlander out of the ring, and they beat him up. All of a sudden, Riho hit a dive from the top turnbuckle to the floor on all three women. Back in the ring, Shida hit a suplex on top of Riho.
Shida poked Statlander in the eyes and rolled her up for a two count. Everyone then took turns hitting top rope moves on Kris Statlander (Penelope Ford missed). Ford hit the handspring back elbow on Riho. Due to the fact that Kip Sabian continues to interfere, Riho continues to knock him down.
Statlander slammed Riho face first onto Hikaru Shida. Penelope Ford hit a reverse-rana on Shida, but Shida hit Ford with the Falcon Arrow. Shida pinned Penelope Ford after a running knee.
Ringside Interview with Colt Cabana
He says Penelope Ford would be a lot better if she wasn’t scheming with Kip Sabian. This caused Sabian to get upset, and they got in a little shoving match before Sabian left.
Jon Moxley Parking Lot Interview
Tony says Moxley isn’t medically cleared to enter the building. Moxley says when has he ever been medically cleared. Wherever the Inner Circle goes, Jon Moxley will be in the corner. He’s not missing the Blood and Guts party.
Jurassic Express defeats Butcher and Blade
Blade immediately pushed Jungle Boy into the corner and kicked and chopped him. Once Jungle Boy escaped, he hit a springboard arm drag, but Blade caught him with a knee to a midsection. Jungle Boy tagged out to Luchasaurus who helped with some combo offense and a few kicks before tagging Jungle Boy back in. With Butcher and Blade conferencing with MJF on the outside, Jungle Boy went for a dive, but he got caught. Butcher and Blade tossed him into the barricade and then drove him face first into the ring apron.
Back in the ring, Blade took Jungle Boy down with a clothesline. Just before Dynamite went to commercial, Butcher and Blade hit a leg drop assisted side suplex. Back from the break, Blade hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Jungle Boy found an opening to hit a clothesline, but couldn’t quite get the tag. Finally Jungle Boy got the tag.
Luchasaurus kicked Blade a whole bunch before hitting a moonsault off the apron onto Butcher. Back in the ring, Butcher and Luchasaurus stood toe to toe in the middle of the ring. When Luchasaurus went for a chokeslam, Blade jumped in the ring. MJF screamed that he wanted full death right now, but that distraction gave Jurassic Express an opportunity to hit their finisher.
Dark Order In-Ring Promo
Evil Uno says the Exalted One is here. He’ll breathe new life into the Dark Order. Tonight Grayson, Silver, and Reynolds will see what Evil Uno sees. Uno goes on to say that he never breaks his promises.
Daniels grabs a microphone and says “You’ve been talking about this for three months.” He says he hasn’t made anyone better including Reynolds and Silver. Christopher Daniels says the Exalted One is a lie.
Attention then went to the screen. The Exalted One cut a promo. If you don’t let the Dark Order in, the Exalted One will kick the door in. Finally, the Exalted One revealed himself to be Brodie Lee (formerly Luke Harper). He says Christopher Daniels will be the last one to not believe in him.
When attention turned back to the ring, the Exalted One stood in the middle of the ring. The Dark Order (with Brodie Lee) took out SCU.
Ringside Interview with Jake Roberts and Lance Archer
Tony asks about Archer’s purpose. Jake says Archer isn’t here to talk, and they don’t play games. He says, they told him what they wanted, but Cody is ignoring him. Jake tells Cody, it is time for him to stand up and meet Archer. Cody had the opportunity to meet them head on, but he didn’t. Now they’ll get his attention.
Video Package for Lance Archer
The package showed a circus of people challenging Archer. He destroyed them. It looks like the set of Peanut Butter Falcon. These pre-taped videos are awesome.
Match Announcements for Next Week
- Wardlow vs. Luchasaurus in a Lumberjack Match
- Lucha Bros vs. Best Friend in a Parking Lot Match
- Inner Circle vs. Elite in Blood and Guts – apparently Nick Jackson will not be cleared.
Inner Circle defeats the Elite
Chris Jericho joined for commentary. Santana struck Cody from behind. As Santana ran the ropes, Cody hit a powerslam. He followed up with a release vertical suplex on Ortiz. Cody and Matt Jackson hit a double team move on Ortiz and then Page came in to hit Ortiz but denied his partners the satisfaction of a high five.
Page tagged in hitting a pair of clotheslines on Santana and a pump handle slam with a bridge. With Cody tagged in, the Inner Circle rallied as Dynamite went to a commercial break.
Back from commercial, the Inner Circle had Cody isolated. Hager held Cody in a front face lock and rammed him back into the Inner Circle corner. All of a sudden, Cody ducked a clothesline from Ortiz and connected with a cross Rhodes. The Inner Circle knocked the Elite off the apron before Cody could make the tag. Dynamite again went to a commercial break.
Back from commercial, the Inner Circle still had the advantage. After Cody put his feet up when Jake Hager went for a Vader Bomb, Cody finally got a tag off to Hangman Page. Hager pulled Page out of the ring, but only after Jackson made a blind tag. Matt hit his three northern lights suplexes on Santana, and then Adam Page assisted Matt with hitting a Northern Lights suplex on Jake Hager.
Santana rolled up Matt Jackson for a pinfall victory.
Jericho Cut a Promo Afterward
Jericho says he bans fans until further notice, and gives a bunch of reasons why the Inner Circle will win next week. The last one being that they have five people and the Elite only has four. Inner Circle has never had a problem, so there is no way they’ll lose. All of a sudden, a drone came in. Matt Jackson said he made a phone call to a friend that owed him a favor. The camera panned to Matt Hardy in the stands. Matt Hardy will be the fifth guy.
March 18th Episode of Dynamite Preview
Inner Circle vs. The Elite
This six-man tag team match features three members of the Elite teaming up to face three members of the Inner Circle. While the participants haven’t been announced yet, the drama between Hangman Page and the rest of the Elite is at a fever pitch. The winner of this match gets the timing advantage for the Blood and Guts match next week.
Exalted One Revealed
The Dark Order has preached for months about the arrival of the Exalted One. The primary suspects for the Exalted One’s identity are Brody Lee (formerly Luke Harper), Matt Hardy, Raven, Jim Cornette, and the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. Peter Avalon and Leva Bates even speculated that Dustin Rhodes may be a suspect. This is a boom or bust moment for AEW because this story line has attracted a ton of interest. If fans get swerved on this and there ends up not actually being an Exalted One, then fans will lose their mind in a bad way.
Butcher and Blade vs. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy
During last week’s Dynamite, the Butcher and Blade teamed with MJF to defeat Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt, and Jungle Boy. On this week’s Dynamite, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy seek to get a win back.
Lucha Bros vs. Best Friends
The rivalry between Death Triangle and Best Friends continues to heat up. Pac’s victory over Orange Cassidy at AEW Revolution kicked things off, and Pac followed that with a victory over Chuck Taylor. Now the Best Friends seek to get back on track in their Tag Team Match this evening.
Hikaru Shida vs. Riho vs. Kris Statlander vs. Penelope Ford
The three top ranked women square off with Penelope Ford to see who can get momentum on their side for a potential match with Nyla Rose. While this hasn’t been listed as a number one contender match, one has to assume that the winner is in good position for a championship opportunity down the line.