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C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
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L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedDana Brooke
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
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Bobby RoodeW
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March 30th NWA Powerrr
- Updated: March 30, 2021

March 30th NWA Powerrr
NWA Powerrr Results by Jeff Johnson Wrestling Soundoff
Anyone else happy when the show starts just so you can get the Full Screen going and ignore the fite.tv chat?
The energy from Velvet Sky is not even close to that have Joe Galli or Tim Storm.
Kyle Davis with Nick Aldis
- Nick Aldis is being interviewed by Kyle Davis alone on his own. Not a fan of his promos when he goes in circles and looking for things to say.
- Davis asks if Adonis is a new member of Strictly Business. Before Nick can go into what it takes to join but Murdoch comes out to interrupt.
- Trevor is saying Nick is feeding us a pile of manure and directs things to Adonis saying he put in a hospital for a week and wants another match.
- He says No DQ and No Countout and will even put his title on the line if he needs.
- Aldis is now pissed because Murdoch told him when he has to talk.
- Nick brings up that they both were trained by Harley Race and says the number one rule Harley Race told them, never turn your back on your opponent.
- Adonis then attacks Murdoch from behind further pushing the idea he is working with Strictly Business.
Austin Idol Video
- Another great video promo for the Universal Wrestling College from Austin Idol. Idol could sell me anything.
May Valentine Interviews Aron Stevens and Kratos
- May Valentine is interviewing Aron Stevens and Kratos who are the NWA Tag Team Champions. Sal Rinauro walks in to the interview to tell Aron he is right.
- Sal says he is not getting any younger either and asks for a Tag Title shot and Stevens accepts. Aron tells him to bring his big boy pants… is Gene Munny going to be Sal’s partner?
- Even with Tim Storm putting over the toughness of Plunkett, my money is still on the dude who actually has a win in the NWA as well as already had an interview segment.
- That boot by Boogie to Plunkett in the corner looked rough, and not in a good way.
- With the Mets inspired gear, is Boogie going to form a cross promotion tag team with Brian Myers?
- They are booking this pretty even so far so looks like Plunkett may get used more in the future.
- Dead Ass Driver from Boogie and he gets the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 4:44
Austin Idol and Tyrus
- Austin Idol coming out with his new client before his upcoming match. They head directly to the commentary booth to let everyone know his client will be the next World Champion.
- Velvet Sky leaves “for her safety” but it is mainly so Austin Idol can THANKFULLY take over on commentary.
- Weird moment with both men just standing in the ring waiting for the ref to ring the bell but he waits a LONG time to do it.
- Great American Smask picks up Mims after the two count to stop the pinfall just to get more pain.
- Mims is starting to make a comeback after a jawbreaker to the big man.
- Enough Said Chokeslam to Mims leads to the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 3:53
Another video package to promote the replay of Back for the Attack.
Pope and Fred Rosser Promos
- We are now back with Pope and Fred Rosser at the podium with Kyle Davis where we are told their match has been moved to next week because of the Murdoch match.
- Rosser tells Pope he is not ready for him next week while Pope reminds Rosser of when he asked him for advice as a rookie.
- They are talking like it is going to be fought under the 6:05 time limit. Is 10:05 just for PPV matches?
- Melina is now joining the broadcast team now for the Ladies Showcase match coming up next.
- This is looking like it is going to be a match to push the Melina and Rosa story some more.
- We are being told that the other three in the match were chosen by Thunder Rosa to help give them more of a spotlight.
- Well I can say this with certainty, Melina is MILES a head of Velvet Sky on Commentary.
- What the heck was up with Gracia trying to get the pin when Rosa already was pinning her opponent?
- This is now the longest match of the show so far when I expected it was just going to be a quick fast paced match.
- Jennacide has some good power spots that could be pushed in the future as she gets more experience under he belt.
- Kamille out of no where to spear Thunder Rosa and cause the DQ finish.
- MATCH TIME: 6:48
- Post match, Jennacide is still in the ring standing behind Kamille without her knowing as she is staring down Melina.
- Kamille finally turns around but just gets in the face of Jennacide as the segment ends.
Nick Aldis with the Broadcast Team
- Nick Aldis is now shown at the Broadcast booth to be the third man for the Main Event but Nick wants to know if Tim Storm is going to get back in the ring or not.
- Nick says he is glad that Tim is not hanging up the boots yet but also that he is not running his mouth on the champ now.
- Trevor Murdoch has an actual neck brace on for this match to sell the attack from earlier. How can someone be cleared for the match if they need a neck brace?
- Adonis rips off the neck brace after choking Murdoch with it before mocking Murdoch’s injury with it.
- Adonis Lock on Murdoch is set in but he decides to turn it into a powerslam to soften him up for another Adonis Lock.
- Referee is finally checking the arms and surprisingly Murdoch drops the arm three times and we have a NEW NWA National Champion in Chris Adonis.
- MATCH TIME: 4:43
- Post match, Adonis celebrates with his new champion before throwing sweat on the out cold Murdoch being looked at by medics.
- Latimer and Kamille comes out to celebrate as Aldis calls Adonis an associate of Strictly Business.
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