- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
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Rampage – Dec 2
- Updated: December 2, 2022

Rampage – Dec 2
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Rampage Results
*Emanating from Indianapolis, IN.
(1) Darby Allin def. Cole Karter…Darby gets a toothpick thrown at him Razor-style by Nick Comoroto…Darby works him over with Sting’s bat to clear the ring & get the match started…Darby hits the Scorpion Death Drop & follows with the Coffin Drop for the win (07:43).
*Keith Lee backstage with Renee…Shane Taylor (former ROH TV Champ) interrupts…Taylor says Lee “left” him 6 years ago, but the business between them is not over…Taylor suggests they settle things at Final Battle in a tag match, so Lee better find some help & walks off…Swerve Strickland shows up with a big smile on his face.
*Dark Order is upset at the betrayal by Preston Vance, but no one more so than -1.
*The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn to the ring for an interview with Renee…they say Lethal & Jarrett can’t cut the line for a shot at the tag titles…the people want to see the Acclaimed fight “the best”…Gunn Club out, they say they’re the best…Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett out…Sonjay says they’ll prove they’re the best when they beat Private Party tonight…FTR out, walk past the Gunns, Jarrett, et al…to the ring & shake on it with the Acclaimed.
(2) Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett def. Private Party…Jarrett & Lethal hit the Stroke/Lethal Injection combo on Marq Quen, Lethal covers for the win (07:11).
*Saraya sits down with Renee…she’s so happy to have returned to the ring & so proud of this women’s division…but make no mistake, she wants to be champion.
(3) Athena def. Dani Mo…Athena rolls Dani off her shoulder & into a Code Breaker for the win (01:32)…AFTER…Athena continues to put the boots to Dani at ringside…when several refs try to separate them, Athena feigns like she’s going to punch Aubrey Edwards again.
*Juice Robinson promo…he’s here to challenge Samoa Joe for the ROH TV title at Final Battle.
*QT Marshall & Orange Cassidy split screen interview with Mark Henry…Best Friends are dressed as lumberjacks & ask Mark if they can bring axes to the ring…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
*Darby Allin promo…he’s settled some personal scores & now wants the TNT Title back…Samoa Joe wants Wardlow banned from ringside…Darby says he’ll make sure Sting is not at ringside either.
(4) Orange Cassidy def. QT Marshall…in a LUMBERJACK MATCH to retain his All-Atlantic Championship…Cassidy drops QT with a Beach Break on the apron’s edge, then decides to take out all the brawling lumberjacks with a tope…Cassidy heads to the top buckle but Penelope Ford jumps up on the apron…her distraction allows Kip Sabian to sneak up & shove Cassidy off the buckle & into a Diamond Cutter by QT that gets a 2 count…Cassidy recovers, lands the Orange Punch & follows with another Beach Break for the win (10:02)…AFTER…
*Orange Cassidy goes after Kip Sabian & they brawl up the ramp…the lumberjacks continue to brawl in & around the ring…LIGHTS OUT…House of Black appear & start destroying everyone…Malakai Black stops Buddy Matthews & Brodie King from hitting Dante’s Inferno on Ortiz (with absolutely no explanation)…but Serpentico isn’t quite as lucky…House of Black continues beating people at ringside (including Malakai kicking Ortiz in the face…so much for consistency) as the show ends.
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Dec. 7, 2022 – Austin, TX
+ The Acclaimed (c) vs. FTR – for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Darby Allin – for the TNT Championship (Wardlow banned from ringside)
+ Dynamite Diamond Ring Battle Royale (Jungle Boy, Dalton Castle, Ethan Page, Ricky Starks, Brian Cage, Lee Moriarty, & Matt Hardy in the graphic)
+ Jake Hager & Daniel Garcia vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
+ Schiavone sits down with Jamie Hayter
+ We’ll hear from MJF again
+ Jade Cargill & the Baddies vs. Madison Rayne, Skye Blue, & Kiera Hogan – Trios Match
+ Hikaru Shida (c) vs. The Bunny – for the Regina Di Wave Championship
ROH FINAL BATTLE *PPV* – PREVIEW – Sat. Dec. 10, 2022 @3pm – Arlington, TX
+ Chris Jericho (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli – for the ROH World Championship
+ Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Athena – for the ROH Women’s World
+ Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta – for the ROH PURE Championship
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Juice Robinson – for the ROH Television Championship
+ Swerve in Our Glory vs. Shane Taylor & JD Griffey
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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