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ROH on Honor Club – March 2
- Updated: March 2, 2023

ROH on Honor Club – March 2
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ROH on Honor Club Results
*Taped from Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.
It is the new era of Ring of Honor.
Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman are on commentary with Bobby Cruise doing the ring announcing.
The ROH production looks great in the same studio that AEW normally tapes their Dark program. Good crowd on hand for the first taping.
Mark Briscoe defeats Slim J w/ Smart Mark Sterling and Ari Daivari – Mike Posey is the referee. Slim J adheres to the code of honor, but kicks Briscoe’s hand in the process. We see some Redneck Kung Fu from Mark Briscoe along with some chair claps, but Slim J gets out of the way before Mark dives off the chair. Briscoe gets a little color on the forehead at some point during this match. Mark hit the most divesting neck breaker that I’ve ever seen, and Slim J’s eyes were glazed over. Match comes to an end when Slim J evades the Froggy-bow, but gets hit with a big boot and a Jay Driller giving Mark the pinfall victory (08:57).
In the preceding match, Daivari is wearing an AEW shirt and we have AEW Shop pop ups on the screen. I’m not saying that Tony Kahn should hide the fact that he owns both companies. It’s obvious he owns both, but cleaning up these small details would go a long way in creating a unique identity for ROH.
Lexi Nair backstage with Tony Deppen – Tony reads his promo from a sheet of paper. Deppen says he’ll be the Car of Ring of Honor.
The Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) w/ Maria Kanellis-Bennett defeats The Infantry (Carlie Bravo and Shawn Dean) – Stephon Smith is the referee, and Code of Honor is adhere Kingdom hits the proton pack for the pinfall victory (4:56).
Blake Christian video package advertising Blake v. Zack Sabre Jr. New Japan World Television Championship Match.
Representing TMDK Zack Sabre Jr. (ch) defeats Blake Christian to retain the New Japan World Television Championship. Paul Turner is officiating, and as a reminder New Japan World TV Title matches have a 15 minute time limit. Sabre spent the beginning of the match working over the arm and wrist of Christian until Blake finally turned the tables by speeding up the match. When Christian went for a Fosbury Flop, Sabre caught Blake mid-dive and pulled him into a cravat. Christian did go on a run and potentially knocked Sabre out with a springboard knee strike, but Blake failed to go for the cover. Sabre caught Blake coming off the top and cinched in a choke to get the submission victory (12:28). Code of Honor adhered to close the segment.
Seems like there may be a desire to get back to the ZSJ v. Bryan Danielson match that we didn’t get to at last year’s Forbidden Door. At one point during the Christian match, Sabre looked into the camera and told Bryan Danielson that he (ZSJ) is the best technical wrestler in the world.
Lexi Nair with Ari Daivari, Mark Sterling, and Takeshita. Mark Sterling says Josh Woods won’t be wrestling Takeshita tonight. Mark says Woods and Takeshita can split the winners purse and presents Takeshita with a contract. Takeshita tears the contract.
Christopher Daniels pre-taped promo. Daniels says there’s a lot more he wants to do.
Christopher Daniels defeats Rohit Raju w/ Jora Johl – Referee Mike Posey oversees the Code of Honor. Christopher Daniels gets knocked to the outside where Johl gets a cheap shot off while Raju has Posey tied up. Rohit missed the Dragon Stomp, Daniels plants Raju with a uranage and hits the Best Moonsault Ever for the pinfall (4:59). No Code of Honor to close the segment.
Lexi Nair with former ROH World Tag Team Champions The Professional Rhett Titus and Hot Sauce Tracy Williams. Their focus is to restore honor to ROH. As Titus and Williams walk away, Aussie Open comes in to say that there is no better tag team in the world than Aussie Open. Aussie’s challenge them to a match next week.
Konosuke Takeshita defeats Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling. Stephon Smith oversees the Code of Honor to kick off the match. Both guys got a lot in this with Woods hitting a bunch of gut wrench style suplexes. Woods hit a twisting suplex off the ropes. Eventually Takeshita hit the wheel-barrow German Suplex with a bridge for the pinfall victory (10:19). Code of Honor adhered to after the match.
Lexi Nair with Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio says pressure makes diamonds and nothing will spoil his ROH Championship defense tonight.
The Embassy (Toa, Kaun, and Brian Cage) w/ Prince Nana defeat Joe Keys, LSG, and Rex Lawless – The Embassy pulls Lawless and Keys out of the ring while Cage shakes hands with LSG. Each member of the Embassy tags in and hits a big move with Cage finishing off the sequence with a deadlift suplex. Embassy gets the pin over LSG when Cage hits the assisted powerbomb. Keys and Lawless never tagged into the match (02:12).
Ari Daivari w/ Slim J and Mark Sterling defeats Metalik – Paul Turner is the referee. Metalik not using the Gran Metalik name as I believe WWE owns the full name. I’m not sure why he’s not using Mascara Dorada anymore, but one would presume it is because the Metalik name is better known in the United States. Metalik hit a lot of impressive lucha moves, but Slim J provided a distraction on the outside giving Daivari an opportunity to shove Metalik into the post. Gran Metalik had a visual 7 or 8 count pin on Ari Daivari, but Mark Sterling had the referee’s attention. Daivari then hit “In Trust We Bust” for the pinfall (07:17).
Lexi Nair with AR Fox.
Madison Rayne and Skye Blue defeat The Renegades (Charlotte and Robin) – Stephon Smith is the referee for this contest. A lot of trash talking from the Renegades in this match, and they get the advantage on Blue for a big chunk of the match. Eventually Blue makes the hot tag to Madison who runs wild on the twins before hitting a ripcord cutter. Renegades take back over and Blue is forced to make a save for Madison. Blue tags back in hitting a top rope cross body for the near fall and eventually hits Skye Fall for the pinfall victory (06:28).
Ian Riccaboni invites Wheeler Yuta to the ring for an In-Ring Interview. Yuta dislikes being referred to as the “junior member” of the BCC. Wheeler says he surrounded himself with three of the best wrestlers of all time. They beat him down, forged him in combat, and now he’s a champion. Yuta says he’s available next week if someone wants to challenge him. Timothy Thatcher accepts the match.
Willow Nightingale defeats Lady Frost – Mike Posey oversees the Code of Honor. Lady Frost hit the big top rope frostbite moonsault, but Willow kicked out at two. Willow hit the gut-wrench sit-down powerbomb for the pinfall victory (04:36). The post match code of honor is adhered to.
Willow invites Ian into he ring to dance, but Ian only dances so much. Ian asks Willow, “what’s next?” Willow says at the last two ROH PPV’s, she got two wins. Now she has another win. The only next logical step would be to challenge Athena for the Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship. Athena comes out and accepts the challenge. Athena says she’ll see Willow next week.
Claudio Castagnoli defeats AR Fox to retain the ROH World Championship – Senior Referee Paul Turner is officiating the contest. This match allowed AR Fox to showcase some of the innovative and high flying things in his arsenal. At the 10 minute mark, Fox did a leaping cross body over the top rope to the floor and then followed up with a top rope senton. Claudio managed to use the Giant Swing on Fox, but Fox rolled to the outside. Claudio put Fox in the sharpshooter and then transitioned into a crossface, but Fox countered into a pin to escape. Fox hit a DVD plus a 450 splash for a near fall. When AR Fox went for another springboard move, Claudio caught him with a European uppercut for the pinfall victory (15:35). Post match code of honor took place.
Eddie Kingston to the ring, and he gives Fox a little high five on his way to the ring. Kingston says he’s coming after the ROH Championship because he only promised Moxley that he wouldn’t beat Claudio’s ass in AEW. Castagnoli just walks off.
ROH on Honor Club PREVIEW – Mar. 9, 2023 – Universal Studios in Orlando, FL.
+ Tony Deppen v. Samoa Joe (ch) – ROH TV Championship.
+ Aussie Open v. Rhett Titus and Tracy Williams
+ Wheeler Yuta (ch) v. Timothy Thatcher – ROH Pure Championship
+ Willow Nightingale v. Athena (ch) – ROH World Women’s Championship
ROH Supercard of Honor PPV PREVIEW – Friday March 31, 2023 – Los Angeles, CA.
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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