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September 24th AEW Rampage
- Updated: September 25, 2021

September 24th AEW Rampage
AEW Rampage Results
(1) CM Punk defeats Powerhouse Hobbs…Hook up on the apron…Punk grabs Hook, Hobbs tries to attack Punk from behind but Punk moves out of the way to allow Hobbs to crash into Hook…Hobbs turns around & gets scooped up for the Go To Sleep for the win (13:35).
*Thunder Rosa, Jade Cargill, Nyla Rose video package…it’s personal between Jade & Nyla from the Casino Battle Royale.
(2) Adam Cole & Young Bucks defeat Christian & Jurassic Express…Panama Sunrise on Luchasaurus, followed by BTE Trigger, followed by the Last Shot…Cole covers for the win (14:35).
(3) Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky defeat Chris Jericho & Jake Hager…Dan Lambert trips Hager from outside…Hager stumbles into an Inside Cradle by Scorpio Sky for the win (11:08)…
AFTER THE BELL…Hager clears Page & Sky…Jericho pulls Lambert into the ring…American Top Team members come through the crowd & surrounds the ring distracting Jericho & Hager, allowing Lambert to escape…Page, Sky, & the ATT members enter the ring & it’s an 8-on-2 mugging of Jericho & Hager…Paige VanZant works over Chris Jericho with her 12-guage Rabbit Punches to the gut & BMF (yes, it stands for exactly what you think) Champion Jorge Masvidal finishes Jericho with a running, jumping knee strike to the face.
(4) Lucha Brothers & Santana/Ortiz defeat Private Party & Butcher/Blade…Orange Cassidy lays out Jack Evans on the ramp before the first commercial, making Matt Hardy grumpy…poor Marq Quen suffers a Fear Factor by the Lucha Brothers, followed immediately by the Street Sweeper by Santana & Ortiz for the win (09:25).
*Matt Hardy backstage with Tony…he’s pissed that his team lost…he’s excited that Penelope is going to beat Anna Jay…he’s pissed that Orange Cassidy keeps getting involved in his business…Matt challenges Orange Cassidy to a Hair vs. Hair Match…with Jack Evans…Evans doesn’t seem to be on board.
*Sammy Guevara is doing his cue card gimmick with help from Fuego del Sol when Miro sneaks up from behind & destroys both of them…tosses Fuego off the stage & through a table…Game Over on Sammy on the stage with no one to break it until the Redeemer feels Sammy has had enough.
*Andrade backstage promo…what Chavo did was unacceptable…he will beat Pac again & this time there will be no excuses.
(5) Penelope Ford defeats Anna Jay…Anna out first but can’t wait & attacks Penelope before she can even meet her in the ring…Bunny comes to ringside after about a minute…Bunny distracts the ref & tosses the brass knux to Penelope, who delivers a loaded punch to Anna Jay for the win (06:47)…AFTER…Bunny joins Penelope in a 2-on-1 beat down of Anna…Tay Conti races down for the save but it’s not long before she is KO’ed by Penelope & the knux as well…Hardy Family Office builds a human wall to block the ring…Orange Cassidy & Kris Statlander out…both splinter cells of the Dark Order join them as they run the HFO out of the ring…Dark Order seems ready to reunite, but Uno bails & Grayson begrudgingly follows.
*Archer/Suzuki & Moxley/Kingston split screen interview with Mark Henry…Kingston losing his mind…IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!
(6) Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston defeat Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer…in a LIGHTS OUT Match…Suzuki & Archer tape Moxley’s hands behind his back…Homicide’s music & video plays, drawing attention up the ramp…Homicide slides in behind Suzuki-Gun & attacks, then frees Moxley’s hands…Paradigm Shift on Archer…Kingston hits Archer with a garbage can, puts it over Archer’s torso & proceeds to destroy a kendo stick by beating on the can relentlessly…eventually Kingston tires & mercifully covers Archer for the win (15:08)…AFTER…Kingston, Moxley, Homicide celebrate as the show ends.
+ Miro (c) vs. Sammy Guevara – TNT Championship
+ Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson vs. Dante Martin & Matt Sydal
+ Penelope Ford & The Bunny vs. Tay Conti & Anna Jay
+ Jungle Boy vs. Adam Cole
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – October 1, 2021
+ Jack Evans vs. Orange Cassidy – Hair vs. Hair Match
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