- Rating TBDPriest
L - Rating TBDOmos
C. AzeezW
L - Rating TBDLiv
L - Rating TBDOwens
L - Rating TBDMysterio
L - Rating TBDBelair
L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedOwens
L - Not RatedOmos
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedDana Brooke
L - Not RatedBenjamin
L - Not RatedDawkins
L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
L - Not RatedRollins
L - Not RatedMysterio
L - Not RatedRipley
L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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September 6th Raw
- Updated: September 6, 2021

September 6th Raw
*New Day, Viking Raiders, Mustafa Ali/Mansoor, Lucha House Party, Mace/T-Bar, Jinder/Veer, AJ/Omos all briefly have their say about the upcoming Tag Team Turmoil tonight.
*RKBro to the ring…Randy says Bobby & MVP had their chance at the tag titles & failed miserably…now the other 7 teams have a chance to become #1 contenders…Lashley/MVP interrupt…Lashley wants a fight with Randy, Randy will accept as long as it’s for the WWE title…Lashley/MVP going to talk to Pearce about having that title match at Extreme Rules, but also about being added to Tag Team Turmoil tonight…New Day interrupt, tell them to hurry up because Turmoil is starting right now!
(1) Tag Team Turmoil: New Day defeat Viking Raiders…as the Vikings are setting up for the Viking Experience, Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise to take Ivar out of the ring & Woods rolls Erik up for the win (10:35).
(2) Tag Team Turmoil: New Day defeat Jinder Mahal/Veer…Woods hits a Doomsday Coupe de Grace on Jinder for the win (07:15).
(3) Tag Team Turmoil: New Day defeat Lucha House Party…Luchas attempt a wheelbarrow maneuver on Woods, but Kofi trips Dorado from outside & Woods pulls off something resembling an upside down Canadian Destroyer on Metalik for the win (04:26).
(4) Tag Team Turmoil: New Day defeat Mace/T-Bar…T-Bar attempts the Go To Hell on Woods, but Woods avoids the knee & rolls T-Bar up for the win (08:18)…AFTER…Mace & T-Bar attack the New Day…Mustafa Ali & Mansoor are down to the ring for the next match & Mace/T-Bar decide to beat on them as well…back in the ring, Kofi is “lawn-darted” by T-Bar into the top half of the ring steps, being held by Mace…Pearce & Sonya make their way to ringside as we go to commercial…
*Sonya announces that Tag Team Turmoil will not end like this…New Day & Ali/Mansoor will be given time to rest & Turmoil will finish later in the show…with Bobby Lashley & MVP officially added to the proceedings.
(5) Sheamus defeats Drew McIntyre…US Championship #1 Contender Match…McIntyre rips the mask off Sheamus & sets up for the Claymore…Sheamus avoids the Claymore & rolls Drew up with a handful of tights for the win (15:48)…AFTER…angry McIntyre returns Sheamus’ mask by smacking him upside the head with it…then lays Sheamus out with a Claymore.
*Damien Priest backstage with Kevin…Priest is looking forward to his title match with Sheamus at Extreme Rules because Priest believes he has Sheamus’ number.
*Charlotte backstage with Sarah…tonight Nia will bow down & kiss the floor The Queen walks on!
(6) Rhea Ripley/Nikki ASH defeat Natalya/Tamina…CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENDER’S MATCH…Natty is attempting the Sharpshooter on Nikki but doesn’t realize that Rhea had made the tag in…Riptide on Natty for the win (10:15).
*Moist TV from a backstage ring…special guest: Karrion Kross…Morrison asks Kross what he plans to do next…Kross says he intends to make Morrison suffer, then fall & pray.
(7) Karrion Kross defeats John Morrison…Krossjacket, Morrison passes out & ref calls for the bell for the submission win (02:04).
(8) Charlotte defeats Nia Jax…retains the Raw Women’s Championship…Shayna Baszler interrupts on the mic at the opening bell, says she can beat Charlotte, but her partner might choke…Charlotte bails after a few minutes, retrieves her belt, & looks to be headed for an early shower until Shayna gets in her face…while the two talk smack, Nia reached down & pulls Charlotte back up to the apron by her hair…Nia sets Charlotte up on the top buckle but Shayna jumps on the apron again to yell at Nia…the distraction allows Charlotte to hit a 2nd buckle Natural Selection for the win (09:02)…AFTER…Alexa Bliss on the ‘tron…asks Charlotte to stop by the playground…when Charlotte refuses Alexa says she’ll bring the playground to her…LIGHT OUT/LIGHTS ON…Alexa is in the ring behind Charlotte…Charlotte asks what she wants, Alexa points at the title…Charlotte says fine, but reminds her the ring isn’t Alexa’s playground, it’s Charlotte’s.
(9) Reggie defeats Tozawa…retains the 24/7 Championship…Reggie hits the Big Top Pop for the win (00:41)…AFTER…Reggie avoids the parade from catering but when he gets to the ‘tron he comes face to face with Drake Maverick…R-Truth distracts Maverick & tells him to go home to his wife, allowing Reggie to escape.
*Doudrop backstage with Kevin…not surprised that the self-centered, egotistical, talentless, wretched wench (Eva Marie) didn’t make it to work after getting “Doudropped”…but they’ll have their rematch next week.
(10) Tag Team Turmoil: New Day defeat Mustafa Ali/Mansoor…Ali misses a 450 splash…Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise, Woods hits his top-rope-walking elbow drop on Ali for the win (04:34).
(11) Tag Team Turmoil: AJ Styles/Omos defeat New Day…Omos tosses Kofi to AJ…AJ hits the Styles Clash for the win (14:58).
(12) Tag Team Turmoil: Bobby Lashley/MVP defeat AJ Styles/Omos…Lashley decides to jaw with Randy Orton at ringside, giving AJ time to hit a running cross body off the announce table to take out Lashley & Orton…Riddle gets in AJ’s face briefly before Omos rag-dolls him into the barricade, then across the announce desk…AJ rolls Lashley back into the ring…AJ misses a Phenomenal Forearm & then gets cut in half by a Lashley Spear for the win (04:47)…AFTER…an angry Omos delivers a 2-handed Chokeslam to Lashley before carrying AJ away from ringside…Lashley slowly makes it to his feet, just in time for an RKO from Randy…RKBro climb the corners with their tag titles as the show ends.
WWE RAW PREVIEW – September 13, 2021
+ RKBro (c) vs. Bobby Lashley & MVP – Raw Tag Team Championship
+ Doudrop vs. Eva Marie
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