Minutes to Bell Time

What’s Up with Sasha Banks?

So here’s what I know regarding the story that WWE released Sasha Banks.

Raj Giri – founder of Wrestling Inc put out a tweet: “I’m hearing Sasha Banks has been released. I don’t know if it’s he requested it or if it was on WWE’s end.”

Sean Ross Sapp put out an article on Fightful Select saying that he has exhausted all his sources and got nothing close to a confirmation.

Wrestling Observer and PW Insider have not run stories, which means they couldn’t confirm it either.

Wreslting Inc (Raj’s own website) has run two articles on the subject.
Raj obviously wasn’t going to name a source, but I’m not sure why he would release the tweet without having enough to write a story.

If this ends up being true, I think the way this information came out is going to be the bigger story. WWE isn’t usually hesitant to put out their own release when a wrestler is released.
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