Minutes to Bell Time

A Letter to Congressman Tim Ryan

To my knowledge, Congressman Ryan hasn’t addressed the professional wrestling community that he offended with his tweet. I sent him this letter, but I don’t expect a response. Maybe if others do the same, he’ll acknowledge the situation. – Ryan Joy 

Dear Congressman Tim Ryan,

I don’t know you or your position on many of the important issues facing your district or the nation. You also don’t know my position, but after spending a few minutes on your website, I think we would get along. I would even consider giving you my vote if I lived in Ohio’s 13th, but I’m writing for a different reason.

I’m requesting that you address the way you made professional wrestling fans feel with your Tweet on February 4th. For easy reference, you wrote:

“I just walked out of #StateOfTheUnion. I’ve had enough. It’s like watching professional wrestling. It’s all fake.”

I understand your sentiment and your frustration with the State of the Union, but I don’t understand your comparison to professional wrestling. In this comparison, you turned your nose up and told your Twitter followers that you would walk out of a professional wrestling show in disgust the same way you walked out of the State of the Union. Unlike the State of the Union, “It’s all fake” is not a reason to walk out of a professional wrestling show. Everyone knows that professional wrestling is a live-action performance, and we enjoy it.

If professional wrestling isn’t something you enjoy, I ask that you not look down upon and alienate the millions of us that do.

Six days before the tweet, I traveled 400 miles from my home to your state just to watch a professional wrestling show at Cleveland State University. I brought my tax dollars to your state and others did too. These tax dollars help fund the services and programs your state government provides to the people of Ohio.

I’m not asking for you to be any less frustrated with President Trump or the State of the Union, but please do address the professional wrestling fans of this country that your words offended.

Thank You,

Ryan Joy

A Concerned Professional Wrestling Fan



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