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AEW Dynamite – Feb 1
- Updated: February 2, 2023

AEW Dynamite – Feb 1
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Dynamite Results
*Live from Dayton, OH.
(1) Jon Moxley def. Hangman Adam Page…Mox comes through the crowd, accompanied by his father, & attacks Hangman during his entrance…they fight into the crowd & around ringside area for more than 5 minutes, utilizing a chair…before finally entering the ring to officially start the match…Mox is busted open above his eye just before the opening bell…around the 13 minute mark Hangman with a Pop-Up Powerbomb & puts Mox through the timekeeper’s table…Mox just barely beats the 10 count…Hangman with a Tombstone, follows with the Buckshot Lariat but Mox kicks at 2…Hangman tries to finish Mox with his own move as he sinks in the Bulldog Choke…Mox grabs Hangman’s neck, hooks a leg with his own leg & pulls Hangman over into a unique Roll Up for the pinfall win (16:55)…AFTER…Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta slide in to check on a woozy Moxley…there’s some off-mic trash talk and pushing & shoving with Hangman…multiple “birds” are exchanged before Hangman leaves & we got to break.
*Jamie Hayter backstage with Renee, as well as Bunny (& Butcher/Blade)…Bunny asks for an Eliminator match next week & Hayter happily accepts…Renee gets word of trouble elsewhere backstage & we see on the monitor behind them that Saraya & Toni Störm have jumped Britt Baker…Hayter rushes off to help her friend.
(2) The Acclaimed def. The Outrunners…NON-TITLE…the Outrunners mock-scissor each other with a reenactment of the Mega Powers handshake…Turbo Floyd gets superkicked out of the ring…Truth Magnum takes the Scissor Me Timbers, Arrival, & a Mic Drop from Caster for the win (00:55)…AFTER…
*The Gunns to the ring…they want a shot at the belts…the crowd in Dayton says, “No”…Billy Gunn can’t stand the bickering & bails…Austin takes a personal shot at dad on the mic, which brings him back to the ring…Billy gets in his son’s face & accepts the title match, which doesn’t seem to sit very well with The Acclaimed.
*Jungle Boy backstage with Marves…he’s enjoyed teaming with Hook but he’s done the tag team thing…promises to win a title again this year, but this time on his own.
(3) Konosuke Takeshita def. Brian Cage…Takeshita with a 2nd buckle Avalanche Brainbuster…follows with a Running Knee Strike to Cage’s face for the win (10:22).
*Jericho Appreciation Society backstage with Renee…Ricky Starks accused the JAS of cheating & wants another shot at them…Daniel Garcia lays out the Garcia/Guevara Gauntlet…Starks will have to go through Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, then either Sammy Guevara or Daniel Garcia (with no advanced notice as to which one)…only then can he get a rematch with Chris Jericho.
*The Elite tell Top Flight that after beating the Bucks in tag action, they can bring their buddy AR Fox & have a shot at the Trios Titles…Stokely Hathaway & The Firm interrupt…Page, Hardy, & Kassidy challenge the Elite to face them on Rampage.
(4) Bryan Danielson def. Timothy Thatcher…around the 12 minute mark the ref takes a bump & MJF makes his way down the ramp…Konosuke Takeshita comes out of nowhere to attack MJF & they brawl up the side of the ramp…Danielson lands the Busaiko Knee for the win (14:45)…AFTER…
*MJF & Konosuke Takeshita are still brawling backstage when a swarm of refs/agents/security get between them…Renee arrives & announces that as per Tony Khan, Takeshita gets an Eliminator match next week…MJF is not pleased.
*Swerve Strickland is pissed at Dustin Rhodes, but since he’s not around Swerve will settle for beating up “another 2nd generation nepotism hire,” Brian Pillman, Jr. on Rampage.
*Rush backstage with Lexi…MJF interrupts, offers Rush multiple Halliburton’s full of cash to “rip Danielson’s arm off”…Rush doesn’t like MJF, but accepts.
(5) Jade Cargill def. Red Velvet…retains her TBS Championship…as the ref is distracted by Kiera Hogan attacking Leila Grey at ringside, Velvet hits a spinning roundhouse headkick & has Jade down for more than a 3 count…but by the time the ref turns around, Jade kicks at 2…Velvet goes for a sunset roll up but Jade powers her to a stop & yanks her off the ground with two hands around the throat…flips Velvet around & into Jaded for the win (07:33)…going to 50-0.
*Britt Baker approached in the trainer’s room by Renee…Ruby Soho interrupts, she just heard about the attack…Britt says Ruby has known Saraya & Toni much longer so it’s no surprise she’s just showing up now…Ruby says she has nothing to do with them & walks off.
(6) Samoa Joe def. Darby Allin…in a NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH to become the NEW TNT Champion…Darby wears a thumbtack-lined hoodie to the ring…Joe gets splashed with the tacks, but gets it off Darby fairly quickly…they brawl into the crowd & up the arena stairs & Joe drops Darby on his head on the concrete steps…back to the ring…Joe backdrops Darby onto 2 chairs set up back-to-back…Darby uses Fuji Dust, follows with a Code Red…Darby gets back into the thumbtack hoodie (kinda) & hits the Coffin Drop for a 2 count…Darby rips up a corner of canvas, exposing the boards…Joe powerbombs Darby onto the thumbtack hoodie, then uses it to choke Darby…Darby escapes by digging thumbs into both of Joe’s eyes…Darby climbs the buckles in the corner where he exposed the wood…Joe shoves the ref into the ropes & crotches Darby…Joe climbs & scoops Darby up for a MuscleBuster onto the exposed boards for the win (16:30)…AFTER…Wardlow races down, drops Joe with a Spear…Wardlow sets up for a Powerbomb but Joe flattens out & rolls out…security floods the ring & Wardlow is tearing through them as Joe backs up the ramp & the show ends.
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – Feb. 3, 2023 – Dayton, OH.
+ The Elite vs. Ethan Page, Matt Hardy, & Isiah Kassidy – Trios Championship Match
+ Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Pillman, Jr.
+ Saraya & Toni Störm in tag team action
+ Rush vs. Christopher Daniels
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Feb. 8, 2023 – El Paso, TX.
+ MJF (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita – World Title Eliminator
+ Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Bunny – Women’s World Title Eliminator
+ The Acclaimed (c) vs. The Gunns – for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Rush
+ Ricky Starks attempts to run the Garcia/Guevara Gauntlet
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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