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AEW Dynamite – Feb 15
- Updated: February 15, 2023

AEW Dynamite – Feb 15
Listen to The Daily Wrestling News Show:
Dynamite Results
*Live from Laredo, TX.
(1) The Acclaimed, Billy Gunn, & Orange Cassidy def. Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, & Satnam Singh…in an 8-MAN TAG MATCH…Bowens connects with Scissor Me Timbers on Dutt for the win (08:58).
*Bryan Danielson promo…calls MJF a scared & desperate man who knows he’s coming to take his title.
(2) Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli def. Rush & Preston Vance…in a TEXAS TORNADO TAG MATCH…LFI attack in the crowd during BCC’s entrance & they brawl through the commercial break before all members eventually get to the ring & finally starting the match…Mox gets a hold of the chain that was introduced by LFI…he applies an armbar while choking Vance with the chain & gets the tap for the submission win (14:49).
*Hangman Adam Page was watching the BCC/LFI match from a backstage monitor when he was attacked by Kip Sabian, Butch, & the Blade…Hangman is beaten down & his match with Sabian later is in jeopardy.
*Wardlow sits down with Jim Ross…Wardlow grew his hair out in tribute to his father & Samoa Joe knew this…Wardlow says Joe won’t survive what he’s got coming.
(3) Mark Briscoe def. Josh Woods…when Tony Nese & Ari Daivari get involved at ringside, the Lucha Brothers race down for the save & they all brawl up the ramp & away from ringside…Mark hits the Froggy-bow for the win (08:43).
*Adam Cole sits down with Renee…he’s getting closer to in-ring return & can’t wait.
*MJF to the ring…he hates that the fans love Danielson…but he’ll beat Danielson at Revolution & prove that he’s better…MJF brings out one of Danielson’s mentors, Christopher Daniels, who admits MJF paid him to talk trash about Danielson…but he won’t do it…says Danielson is the best wrestler in the world & MJF is a fraud…MJF gets handsy, Daniels slaps him, MJF kicks him low & applies the Salt of the Earth…Bryan Danielson down for the save & MJF runs away like the chickenshit heel he is.
*The Gunns promo…no one thought they had a chance, but welcome to the Gunn Show!
(4) Jungle Boy def. Brian Cage…Cage misses a clothesline & Jack jumps on his back to hit a Crucifix Bomb…follows with a Superkick, Sliding Forearm Smash, & tumbles into La Magistral Cradle for the Roll Up win (07:27)…AFTER…Christian Cage out on the stage with his arm in a sling…Jungle Jack sprints towards him but Christian stops him in his tracks with Mace…Christian takes off the sling & arm brace & hits the Killswitch on Jungle Boy.
*The Acclaimed interrupt Renee as she explaining that The Gunns will defend the tag titles in a 3-way at Revolution…the Acclaimed invoke their rematch clause & make it a 4-way.
*Top Flight & AR Fox approach The Elite backstage & question their manhood in order to get a rematch for the Trios Titles on Rampage this week.
(5) Hangman Adam Page def. Kip Sabian…Hangman hits the Dead-Eye for the win (07:04)…AFTER…
*Jon Moxley (with Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) to the ring…Mox says his business with Hangman Adam Page is over because there’s no way in hell Hangman will ever beat him again…Hangman isn’t happy with the roll up loss from their last match…they need to finish it at Revolution…Mox is glad Hangman doesn’t have any friends to talk him out of this dumb idea…Dark Order to the ring…Evil Uno says they’ve had Hangman’s back all along & they’re not afraid of Mox…there’s some pushing & shoving but Mox ends it by saying, “Cowboy…Revolution…Texas Death.”
*Jericho Appreciation Society backstage with Schiavone…Jericho says Starks is not getting another match with him because he’s not on The Ocho’s level…Daniel Garcia is happy to face Ricky Starks at Rampage.
*Stokely Hathaway & The Firm backstage with Schiavone…Hook should be fired for “breaking his arm”…Schiavone gets word in his ear that Hook has been suspended & the Firm celebrates.
(6) Ruby Soho def. Britt Baker & Toni Störm…Toni has Saraya spraypaint an “L” on her bottom just before delivering Sweet Cheeks Music to Baker in the corner…Ruby throws Toni to the floor & Rolls Up Baker for the win (09:21)…AFTER…Ruby finds herself in the middle of a shouting match between Saraya & Jamie Hayter…Ruby still refuses to take a side.
+ The Elite (c) vs. Top Flight & AR Fox – for the AEW World Trios Championship
+ Jade Cargill (c) vs. Vertvixen – for the TBS Championship
+ Ricky Starks vs. Daniel Garcia
+ Swerve Strickland vs. Dustin Rhodes
+ Revolution Tag Team Battle Royale (includes: Best Friends, Lethal/Jarrett. Lucha Brothers, Butcher/Blade, 2point0, Nese/Daivari, Silver/Reynold)
+ Jon Moxley vs. Evil Uno
+ Casino Tag Royale
AEW REVOLUTION PPV PREVIEW – Sun. Mar. 5, 2023 – San Francisco, CA
+ MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson – for the AEW World Championship
+ Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow – for the TNT Championship
+ The Gunns (c) vs. The Acclaimed vs. [02/22 Revolution Tag Battle Royale Winners] vs. [03/01 Casino Tag Royale Winners] – in a 4-Way AEW Tag Team Championship Match
+ Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Adam Page – in a Texas Death Match
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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