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AEW Full Gear – Nov 19
- Updated: November 20, 2022

AEW Full Gear – Nov 19
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AEW Full Gear Results
*Live from Newark, N.J.
(Zero Hour 1) Best Friends (Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta, Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, Danhausen) def. The Factory (QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo, Lee Johnson, Cole Karter)…in a 10-MAN TAG TEAM MATCH…Best Friends start the match without Danhausen…as Danhausen makes his entrance late in the match, Cassidy hits Comoroto with the Orange Punch…Danhausen opens his jar of teeth (seriously) & pours them into Comoroto’s mouth…Danhausen then delivers a Big Boot sending many teeth flying & pins Comoroto for the win (11:55).
(Zero Hour 2) Eliminator Tournament Semifinal: Ricky Starks def. Brian Cage…Starks reverses a Cage move into a Canadian Destroyer & unbelievably follows by getting Cage up for the Rochambeau for the win (10:00)…AFTER…Ethan Page leaves the announce desk to tell Ricky from the ramp that he’ll see him in the Finals at Dynamite this Wednesday.
(Zero Hour 3) Eddie Kingston def. Jun Akiyama…Kingston with a 2nd Spinning Backfist that lands clean on the jaw for the win (10:32)…AFTER…plenty of respect between the two…Ortiz joins Kingston in the ring to celebrate.
(4) Jungle Boy def. Luchasaurus…in a STEEL CAGE MATCH…Christian Cage steals the key & unlocks the cage door…Christian is physically removed from ringside by Security as the fight spills outside the cage (which apparently doesn’t win a cage match in AEW)…Jungle Boy lays Luchasaurus out on a table (in the ring) with a chair shot & climbs…Jungle Boy delivers an Elbow Drop from the top of the cage that puts Luchasaurus through the table & follows with the Snare Trap for the submission win (18:40).
(5) Death Triangle def. The Elite…retain their AEW World Trios Championship…at the end of an absolutely insane match, Pac passes Fenix the timekeeper’s hammer for the2nd time & this time Feix keeps it…Omega gets Fenix up for the 1-Wing Angel…Fenix hits Omega in head with the hammer which helps start a Victory Roll for the Roll Up win (18:41).
(6) Jade Cargill def. Nyla Rose…retains her TBS Championship…Nyla enters the arena with Vickie Guerrero in a Lowrider…Jade sporting a Cheetara from the ThunderCats look & breaks her staff over her knee before heading down the ramp…Nyla misses the Senton Atomico…Jade lands a Pump Kick & follows with Jaded for the win (08:01).
*Ian Riccaboni joins the announce desk & Bobby Cruise handles introductions for…
(7) Chris Jericho def. Sammy Guevara, Claudio Castagnoli, & Bryan Danielson…in a 4-WAY MATCH to retain his ROH World Championship…around the 11 minute mark Jericho hits a Code Breaker on Claudio & Sammy pulls him off the cover, leading to the two JAS members going at it…later Sammy saves Jericho from a simultaneous Sharpshooter/LeBell Lock…they hug, but then Sammy pulls Jericho in for a GTH & follows with a Shooting Star Press for 2…later, Sammy goes for a Swing but Jericho breaks it up with a Judas Effect to Claudio…Jericho delivers a 2nd Judas Effect to Claudio for the win (21:44).
(8) Saraya def. Britt Baker…Britt hits a Fisherman’s Neckbreaker & follows with a Stomp but only gets 2…Saraya hits 2 consecutive Ram-Paige DDTs for the win (13:27).
(9) Samoa Joe def. Wardlow & Powerhouse Hobbs…in a 3-WAY MATCH to become the NEW TNT Champion…Wardlow hits 4 consecutive Powerbombs but Samoa Joe clobbers Wardlow with the TNT belt & sinks in the Coquina Clutch on Hobbs for the submission win (09:52).
*Chris Jericho backstage with Schiavone…Jericho says he expected Sammy to try to win, that’s the competitiveness that’s going to make him a future World Champion…Orange Cassidy interrupts, says his friend Tomohiro Ishii wants to fight Jericho for the ROH title on Dynamite…Jericho accepts because he still thinks of Ishii as his “young boy” from his time in Japan…Jake Hager asks Cassidy what’s in the bag…it’s his All-Atlantic title & he challenges Hager to try to take it from him next week.
(10) Darby Allin & Sting def. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett…when Satnam Singh tries to get involved, he gets a Scorpion Death Drop/Coffin Drop combo…Lethal attempts a Lethal Injection on Sting but it’s countered into a sloppy Scorpion Death Drop…seeing Sting didn’t hit it cleanly, Darby follows with a Coffin Drop on Lethal for the win (10:58).
(11) Jamie Hayter def. Toni Störm…to become the NEW Interim AEW Women’s Champion…around the 11 minute mark Rebel cracks Toni with the belt…the ref see Rebel with the belt & ejects her from ringside…Toni bumps to the floor & Britt Baker appears out of nowhere & Stomps Toni on the belt that Rebel left on the floor…Britt rolls Toni in & Hayter hits Störm Zero for 2…Toni with an Irish Whip to the corner using Hayter to knock Britt off the apron but Britt took the buckle pad with her…Hayter shove Toni face 1st into the exposed buckle ring & follows with the Ripcord Lariat for the win (15:17).
(12) The Acclaimed def. Swerve in Our Glory…retain their AEW Tag Team Championship…Caster kicks out of the Fall from Glory (Spirit Bomb/Swerve Stomp)…Swerve finds a pair of tin snips & gets ready to cut some digits off Bowens…that brings out Billy Gunn but refs swarm him immediately…Swerve hands Lee the snips to use in the match & Lee tosses them aside…Swerve slaps Lee & Lee bounces, leaving Swerve 1-on-2…Acclaimed get Swerve up in the Magic Killer set up & hit a flipping slam, Bowens covers for the win (19:40).
(13) MJF def. Jon Moxley…to become the NEW AEW World Champion…Moxley starts the match with a haymaker-like slap across MJF’s face & we are off to the races…MJF is getting a Long Island-ish response from the crowd so Moxley flips off the entire arena…just so we all know where we stand…Newark serenades him with “F**K YOU MOX-LEY!”…so…message received…MJF Tombstones Moxley on the apron’s edge but hurts his knee in the process…MJF goes for another but the knee won’t support him…Moxley reverses & piledrives MJF off the apron & through the timekeepers table that MJF had dragged next to the ring earlier…MJF just beats the 10 count…Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift for 2…MJF hits a Heat-seeker for 2…Moxley hits an Avalanche Paradigm Shift but MJF is close enough to reach for the ropes at 2…the ref takes a bump & MJF digs out the Dynamite Diamond Ring…William Regal to ringside, he chews out MJF, warning him not to use the ring…MJF tosses the ring to Regal & flips him off…after a 2nd ref takes a bump & misses MJF tapping to a Bulldog Choke, Regal tells Moxley to wake up the 1st ref…when Moxley turns to the ref, Regal slides the ring back to MJF…MJF lands a big right hand for the win (23:08).
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – Nov. 23, 2022 – Chicago, IL
+ Chris Jericho (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii – for the ROH World Championship
+ Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jake Hager – for the All-Atlantic Championship
+ Death Triangle (c) vs. The Elite – Match 2 of a Best of 7 Series
+ Ethan Page vs. Ricky Starks – Eliminator Tournament Final
Ryan Joy and John D’Aconti host the Daily Wrestling New Show podcast. They’re focused on Teaching, Learning, and Remembering the history of Professional Wrestling with everyone that wants to join them.
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