- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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L - Rating TBDRiddle
NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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L - Not RatedDana Brooke
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L - Not RatedBalor
L - Not RatedShorty G
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
L - Not RatedBelair
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L - Not RatedPriest
L - Not RatedBelair
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April 7th Episode of Impact
- Updated: April 7, 2020

April 7th Episode of Impact Wrestling
Note: I did not attended the April 7th episode of Impact Wrestling live, but I do average at least one wrestling show per week. Follow the Minutes to Bell Time Instagram to see photos from my experiences. Read about the live experiences here.
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April 7th Episode of Impact Wrestling Results
Recap of last week’s angle leading to tonight’s Main Event
Ken Shamrock Shown Arriving
Willie Mack In-Ring Promo
He is mad that Ace Austin attacked Rich Swann. Mack says he’ll hold up Impact until they come out.
Willie Mack defeats Reno Scum
Willie Mack decided to wrestle a handicap match against Reno Scum. Thornstowe and Luster had the advantage from the beginning hitting pity city. Eventually Mack got his knees up with Thornstowe went for senton. Mack came back and hit a standing moonsault on Luster for a near fall. The numbers became too much and Reno Scum took back over, but Willie Mack sent Luster into the ropes knocking Thornstowe off the top rope. After a stunner and frog splash, Willie Mack got the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Ace Austin came out and hit a round house kick on Willie Mack. Reno Scum held Mack in place while Austin hit the fold.
Kylie Rae
Kylie Rae meets Gail Kim, and she is very excited. She also met Su Yung, and that appeared to be exciting too. Kiera Hogan came into the locker room to announce she would be facing Kylie Rae at Rebellion and Susy tonight.
Chris Bey defeats Daga
The early part of the match consisted of a lot of evasions until Daga hit a head scissors sending Chris Bey to the outside. When Daga attempted to walk the ropes, Chris Bey knocked him off and kicked Daga in the face. Bey held the advantage connecting with a back body drop before Impact went to commercial. Chris Bey maintained control using a body scissors until Daga made it to his feet and whipped him over with a standing snapmare followed by a gut wrench power bomb. When action spilled to the outside, Daga ran off the ramp and hit a cross body on Chris Bey (but he also smacked his face on the ground).
When Daga went for a sunset flip, Bey sat down hooking the legs and grabbing the ropes for a pinfall.
Taya Valkyrie Video
She beat the heck out of Bravo with a steel chair. She apparently went crazy
Rascalz Segment in the Treehouse
Apparently they all invited people over. TJP and Fallah Bahh came over and brought some food. XXXL also came. It was an awkward segment.
Havok defeats Madison Rayne
Havok used several power moves to get the early advantage over Madison Rayne. Things appeared to turn around when Rayne evaded a splash in the corner, but she wasted too much time and Havok came right back. Havok put Rayne away with a tombstone pile driver.
Tessa Confronted Eddie Edwards
She wanted to know why Edwards helped her last week. Eddie says sometimes when a person reaches out their hand, you should take it.
Ken Shamrock Interview
Ken Shamrock has had issues with his eyes, and he wasn’t sure if he would get his sight back. He says Sami has no remorse or respect for people trying to make a living in this business. The lights started to flicker and Shamrock went to look for Callihan.
Rhino and Tommy Dreamer defeat oVe
Rhino and Dreamer had the advantage for the early part of the match, but Fulton hopped up on the apron. The referee ejected Fulton and Dreamer continued to work over Jake Crist. As Dreamer hit the ropes, Dave Crist kicked him and oVe took control of the match. Dreamer caught Dave on the ropes and hit a superplex before getting the tag to Rhino. Rhino hit Jake Crist with a gore for the pinfall victory.
Post Match
Madman Fulton hit the rope and it turned into a 3 on 2 beat down.
Rosemary at the Bar
She found Johnny Swinger. He says that he has one of Young Bucks (specifically M. Jackson).
Kiera Hogan defeats Susie
Susie smacked Hogan and used a side headlock takeover twice to bring Hogan to the mat and then followed up with a bulldog. When Hogan got the advantage she hit several running strikes on Susie in the corner. After the swinging neck breaker, Hogan got the pinfall victory.
Backstage Segment with the North
Michael Elgin came by to ask one member of the North to step aside, so he could get his hands on Edwards and Tessa.
Backstage Interview with Tenille Dashwood
Taya thinks she is bigger than the entire division. Dashwood says Taya has lost it.
Matches Announced for Next Week
- Johnn Swinger vs. M. Jackson (Young Buck) – Next Week
- Ken Shamrock and Sami Callihan Contract Signing – Nextt Week
- Taya Valkyrie vs. Tenille Dashwood – Next Week
The North vs. Blanchard and Edwards
Edwards took the early advantage, and he tagged out to Tessa Blanchard. Alexander used his strength to manhandle Tessa. On Tessa’s third attempt, she finally knocked Alexander over the top rope. Tessa fell into the corner and Edwards tagged himself in and chopped both of the tag team champions in the corner. Edwards hit a suicide dive and Tessa flew off the top rope to the floor onto both members of the North as Impact went to commercial.
Back from the commercial, Tessa and Eddie had control over the North. It didn’t last very long though as The North took back over isolating Eddie Edwards. Tessa Blanchard came off the top rope with a cross body on both members of the north. She then hit a suicide dive on both members of the North and a cutter on Ethan Page for a near fall. Edwards hit Alexander with a blue thunder bomb and Tessa followed with a destroyer, but that only earned a two count.
Alexander caught Blanchard when she went for Magnum. They nearly put Tessa away, but Edwards broke up the pin. Tessa refused to tag out to Eddie Edwards and The North hit their finisher on Tessa and Josh Alexander pinned the World Champion.
Post Match
Elgin attacked Tessa Blanchard and this time Eddie Edwards didn’t make the save.
April 7th Episode of Impact Wrestling Preview
Impact Wrestling begins tonight at 8 PM on AXS.
Tessa Blanchard and Eddie Edwards vs. The North
This match up comes after Tessa Blanchard defeated Ethan Page and Edwards lost to Josh Alexander on last week’s episode of Impact Wrestling. Blanchard and Edwards are 0-1 in tag team competition losing to Michael Elgin and Taya Valkyrie on the March 24th episode of Impact Wrestling. The North enters the match with a 3-1 record losing a non-title match to TJP and Fallah Bahh, but defeating The Rascalz, Willie Mack, and TJP and Fallah Bahh.
Madison Rayne vs. Havok
One of these two wrestlers will lose their winning record on tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling. Madison Rayne (1-1) has a 2020 victory over Mazzerati and a triple threat match loss to Jordynne Grace and Kiera Hogan. Havok (2-2) also has a .500 record defeating Rosemary on January 7th and January 21st. Havok lost to Jordynne Grace and Su Yung.
Chris Bey vs. Daga
Chris Bey (1-1) defeated Damian Drake in his debut match, but then lost in the X-Division Scramble. Daga has a 2-4 record coming into tonight’s match with wins against Jake Crist on February 27th and March 17th and and losses to Madman Fulton, RVD on February 25th and January 12th, and Willie Mack in the X-Division Scramble
oVe vs. Tommy Dreamer and Rhino
The team of Dave and Jake Crist have an 0-1 record for the year losing to Daga and Dr. Wagner. Tommy Dreamer and Rhino have not teamed up in 2020.