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February 16, 2022 – AEW Dynamite
- Updated: February 17, 2022

February 16, 2022 – AEW Dynamite
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AEW Dynamite Results
*Live from Nashville, TN.
*CM Punk opens the show in the ring wearing an MJF shirt…reminds us that his straight edge lifestyle made him “better than you” over 20 years ago…Punk gets to pick the time, place, & stipulation for his rematch with MJF…Punk says it will take place at Revolution & will be a Dog Collar match…calls out MJF, who makes his way out in front of the ‘tron…Punk shows a picture of himself & a (roughly) 12 year old MJF…Punk says the price he paid to take that picture pales in comparison to the price he’ll pay at Revolution…MJF drop his mic & heads backstage without saying a word.
*Jurassic Express & Christian backstage with Tony…they’ll find out their opponents for Revolution by way of 2 Battle Royales over the next 2 weeks.
(1) Bryan Danielson defeats Lee Moriarty…Danielson offers his hand but pulls it away…Danielson ends the very physical match with his running knee, some stomps to Moriarty’s face, & finishes with an homage to Nate Diaz as he sinks in a Triangle Choke & flexes before the ref can call for the bell & the submission win (12:13)…AFTER…Danielson wants an answer from Moxley about teaming up…Jon Moxley makes his way through the crowd…recalls their 1st meeting on the Indies & admits he’s never beaten Danielson…he’s intrigued by the idea of teaming up, so he isn’t saying “no” but won’t stand side-by-side with Danielson until he bleeds with him.
*Keith Lee promo…he’s here to make a statement…says the TNT Championship will be his.
(2) Face of the Revolution Qualifier: Wardlow defeats Max Caster…Caster uses the chain behind the ref’s back to drop Wardlow & hit the Mic Drop elbow but only gets a 2- count…Wardlow powers out of Caster’s powerbomb attempt & the Powerbomb Symphony by Wardlow that follows has 3 measures for the win (05:17)…AFTER…Anthony Bowens attacks from behind…Shawn Spears does nothing to help for few seconds that Wardlow is under attack…after Wardlow turns the table & powerbombs Bowens, Spears lays in some chair shots to both members of the Acclaimed.
*Mercedes Martinez backstage with Tony (& Britt, Rebel, Hayter)…Britt warns Mercedes she didn’t bring her here to lose…Sensei Kreese counsels Britt on how to deal with Mercedes if she loses, ”Finish her…no mercy.”
*Hangman Adam Page to the ring for an interview with Tony…Adam Cole interrupts immediately, demands Tony leave…they discuss their past friendship…Cole takes a few verbal shots, but says he has nothing but respect for Page & offers a handshake before leaving…as Page watches Cole head up the ramp, reDRagon attacks from behind…Cole returns for the 3-on-1…security can’t pull them off but Dark Order race down for the save & Cole & reDragon bail…Pres10 Vance takes out the security team.
(3) Santana & Ortiz defeat Chris Jericho & Jake Hager…Eddie Kingston makes his way to ringside to support Santana/Ortiz…Jericho kicks out of the Street Sweeper…Santana attempts a cannon ball but Jericho catches him & counters into the Walls of Jericho…Santana gets a rope break…Jericho misses the Judas Effect & eats a right hand from Ortiz…Santana hits a Discus Lariat on Jericho for the win (11:05)…AFTER…Jericho & Kingston have to be separated by referees.
*Young Bucks, Adam Cole, & reDRagon backstage, discussing the tag team battle royals coming up…they can’t seem to get on the same page & Cole is torn between them.
(4) Thunder Rosa defeats Mercedes Martinez…in a NO DQ MATCH…Rosa escapes a powerbomb attempt into a pile of steel chairs by Martinez & counters into the Fire Thunder Driver into the chairs for the win (09:30)…AFTER…Rosa helps Martinez up & shows respect, bringing Britt Baker, Rebel, & Jamie Hayter out…Britt stops to speak with Sensei Kreese & his advice remains the same…the 3-on-1 commences on Rosa…when Martinez hesitates to join in, Hayter attacks Martinez & leaves her laying next to Rosa.
*House of Black promo…Black says violence begets violence…Brody asks who they’re waiting for…Black answers, “history”…as there seems to be someone moving in the shadows behind Black.
*Jay White promo…tells AEW that without him beating Kenny Omega & sending him out of New Japan, AEW wouldn’t exist…you’re welcome…he’ll beat Trent on Rampage because it’s still…his…era.
(5) Sammy Guevara defeats Darby Allin…retains his TNT Championship…they begin with a show of respect…Jose attempts to interfere from the apron but gets pulled down by Sting…this distraction allows Andrade to blast Darby with the tablet as he was setting up for the Coffin Drop…Sammy pulls Darby’s limp body off the top buckle to deliver the GTH for the win (14:50)…AFTER…Matt Hardy jumps on Darby before being run off by Sammy…Andrade nails Sammy with the tablet & leaves with both TNT belts & Hardy.
AEW RAMPAGE *SLAM DUNK* PREVIEW – February 18, 2022 @ 7pm
+ Adam Cole vs. Prest10 Vance
+ Face of the Revolution Qualifier: Dante Martin vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
+ Trent Beretta vs. Jay White
+ Serena Deeb with another edition of the Professor’s 5-minute Rookie Challenge
AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW – February 23, 2022
+ Chris Jericho & Eddie Kingston Face to Face Confrontation
+ Tag Team Battle Royale #1
+ House of Black vs. Penta & Pac
+ Casino Tag Royale to name the 3rd team for the Revolution Tag Title match
AEW REVOLUTION PPV – Sunday, March 6, 2022
+ Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Keith Lee vs. Wardlow vs. TBD #1 vs. TBD #2 vs. TBD #3 vs. TBD #4
+ CM Punk vs. MJF – Dog Collar Match
+ Jurassic Express (c) vs. TBD #1 vs. TBD #2 – Triple Threat Tag Match for the AEW Tag Team Championship
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