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February 23, 2022 – AEW Dynamite
- Updated: February 23, 2022

February 23, 2022 – AEW Dynamite
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AEW Dynamite Results
*Live from Bridgeport, CT.
(1) reDRagon defeat Santana & Ortiz, FTR, 2point0, Silver & Reynolds, Young Bucks, Private Party, Best Friends, Butcher & Blade, and Gunn Club…in a TAG TEAM BATTLE ROYALE…Final 4: John Silver, Matt Jackson, Kyle O’Reilly, Dax Harwood…Bobby Fish (who has already been eliminated) pulls Dax off the apron to eliminate him…Jackson eliminates Silver as O’Reilly feigns an injury…O’Reilly then tosses Jackson out right after Silver for the win (18:26)…as a result, reDRagon joins Jurassic Express in the Tag Title Triple Threat at Revolution…Team #3 still TBD…AFTER…Young Bucks & reDRagon are arguing in the center of the ring when…
*Hangman Adam Page to the ring…he attacks reDRagon as payback for last week’s blindsiding…Young Bucks do nothing to stop Hangman…Adam Cole slides in…Cole & Hangman fight briefly but reDRagon pull Cole out in time to avoid the Buckshot Lariat…John Silver tosses Kyle O’Reilly back in & Hangman delivers that Buckshot Lariat to Cool Kyle…Hangman takes a seat for Story Time with Adam Page (BAY BAY)…Hangman recounts Cole’s rise to multi-time World Champion…but that next step ends at Revolution with a Buckshot.
*Bryan Danielson backstage with Tony…he’s impressed with Daniel Garcia but knows he would be at different level if he had better trainers than 2point0.
*MJF to the ring…tells an impassioned story of how pro wrestling was his only solace as he dealt with A.D.D. & other learning disorders as a tween & teen…CM Punk was his hero & Punk walked away from wrestling when MJF needed him the most…calls Punk a gutless coward…CM Punk to the ring…he asks MJF if the story is true, clearly moved by it…MJF simply climbs out & heads up the ramp without saying another word.
*Daniel Garcia & 2point0 backstage with Tony…2point0 not pleased with Danielson’s assessment of their training…Garcia says he needs no lessons in violence & Danielson will find out tonight.
(2) Pac & Penta Oscuro defeat Kings of the Black Throne…Black prepares to mist Penta again but Penta covers Black’s mouth, causing him to choke on the black fluid…Penta Rolls Up Black for the win (07:32)…AFTER…King attacks Penta until Black recovers enough to grab the shovel Penta brought to the ring…as Black prepares to use it seemingly as a guillotine…LIGHTS OFF / LIGHTS ON…Buddy Matthews appears & stares a hole in Malakai Black…but eventually attacks Pac & Penta instead & caps off the proceedings by stomping Penta’s head into a chair while King destroys the security team that attempts to save Death Triangle.
*Eddie Kingston & Chris Jericho to the ring for their face-to-face…Eddie doesn’t know why they’re talking when this is a wrestling company…Jericho tells Eddie he’s jealous because he didn’t make the big time until 38 while Jericho made it at 22…Eddie just wants to fight, challenges Jericho for Revolution…Jericho says Eddie can’t win the big one…Jericho accepts…Eddie warns him to bring his best…Jericho calls Eddie a loser.
*AHFO backstage…Matt Hardy says Andrade will bring home the TNT Championship on Friday…Hardy proposes himself, Isiah Kassidy, & Andrade take on Sammy Guevara, Sting, & Darby Allin at Revolution in a Tornado Trios match.
(3) Face of the Revolution Qualifier: Ricky Starks defeats llll llll…Vance locks in the Full Nelson but Starks reaches back & yanks his mask off…Starks takes advantage of the distraction & hits a Spear for the win (05:54).
*Adam Cole & reDRagon backstage…Young Bucks interrupt…they’re going to make sure they win the Casino Tag Royale because they are now completely focused on kicking reDRagon’s asses…Cole is clearly feeling the pressure of being caught between these two teams.
(4) Jade Cargill defeats the Bunny…retains her TBS Championship…Matt Hardy slides in the brass knux…Mark Sterling slides in the TBS title…Cargill blocks Bunny’s loaded punch with the belt…ref tosses both managers from ringside…Bunny attempts Down the Rabbit Hole but Cargill escapes & reverses into Jaded for the win (06:49)…AFTER…Tony interviews the now 28-0 Cargill, who once again asks “Who’s Next?”…Tay Conti out, says she will be the “1” to beat Jade’s ass…Conti races to the ring & the brawl is on…Bunny attacks Conti…Conti hits the Tay-KO on Bunny but walks into a bicycle kick from Cargill…Anna Jay races down to make sure the physicality goes no further…Jade rolls out.
*Keith Lee backstage with Marves…Starks (& Hobbs) interrupt…Starks reminds Lee that no one cares where he came from or what he’s done, he’s starting over here in AEW.
(5) Bryan Danielson defeats Daniel Garcia…Danielson fights off another in a series of Dragon-screw leg whips, traps Garcia’s hands, & delivers several stomps to the face…follows with the Nate Diaz Triangle Choke for the win (10:44)…AFTER…Danielson asks the crowd if Garcia was sufficiently violent…2point0 attack Danielson…Jon Moxley races through the crowd to make the save & clear out 2point0…Garcia gets a Paradigm Shift…Danielson accepts Mox’s invitation to bleed in a match at Revolution.
AEW RAMPAGE PREVIEW – February 25, 2022
+ Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Andrade – for the TNT Championship
+ Face of the Revolution Qualifier: Orange Cassidy vs. Anthony Bowens
+ Serena Deeb…Professor’s 5 Minute Rookie Challenge
+ Britt Baker & Thunder Rosa – Revolution Contract Signing
+ Casino Tag Royale to name the 3rd team for the Revolution Tag Title match
+ Hangman Adam Page, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds vs. Adam Cole & reDRagon
AEW REVOLUTION PPV – Sunday, March 6, 2022
+ Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. Adam Cole – for the AEW World Championship
+ Britt Baker (c) vs. Thunder Rosa – for the AEW Women’s Championship
+ Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Keith Lee vs. Wardlow vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks vs. TBD #5 vs. TBD #6
+ CM Punk vs. MJF – Dog Collar Match
+ Jurassic Express (c) vs. reDRagon vs. TBD #3 – Triple Threat Match for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston
AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING PPV – Sunday, May 29, 2022 *Las Vegas*
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