- Rating TBDPriest
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C. AzeezW
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NC - Not RatedFord
L - Not RatedVeer Mahaan
Savion TruittW
L - Not RatedCiampa
Bobby RoodeW
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Bobby RoodeW
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February 25, 2022 – AEW Rampage
- Updated: February 25, 2022

February 25, 2022 – AEW Rampage
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Rampage Results
*Emanating from Bridgeport, CT.
(1) Sammy Guevara defeats Andrade…retains his TNT Championship…the ref stops Andrade from removing a turnbuckle pad, meanwhile Matt Hardy removes a different turnbuckle pad behind the ref’s back…Sammy kicks Andrade’s leg off the 2nd buckle, sending Andrade face first into the exposed turnbuckle ring…Sammy follows with the double Springboard Cutter for the win (12:25)…AFTER…Matt Hardy attacks…Sting & Darby Allin down for the save…Darby hits the Coffin Drop on Isiah Kassidy.
*QT Marshall out on the stage…he blames Taz for the disrespect he feels…says Hook owes him a thank you…Hook out…QT sends several of his students after Hook…they all get dropped quickly & Hook casually heads backstage.
*Dan Lambert backstage with Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page…Lambert says he will get Sky a shot at the TNT title & it will happen before the winner of the ladder match gets their shot.
(2) Wardlow defeats Nick Comoroto…tonight’s Powerbomb Symphony has 4 movements for the win (06:34)…AFTER…Aaron Solow attempts a high cross body but gets caught by Wardlow…as Wardlow powers him up for the powerbomb, Shawn Spears hits Solow with a chair but catches Wardlow’s hand as well…Spears tries to explain why the Powerbomb Symphony “isn’t getting over”…ends by hugging an irritated Wardlow.
(3) Serena Deeb defeats Kayla Sparks…in the PROFESSOR’S 5 MINUTE ROOKIE CHALLENGE…Deeb slams Sparks’ knee into the canvas several times before sinking in the Serenity Lock for the submission win (02:28).
*Britt Baker & Thunder Rosa in the ring with Tony for the contract signing…Rosa calls Britt a “cheating perra”…Britt says Rosa will never be the face of AEW’s Women’s Division…Rosa attacks…Jamie Hayter pulls Rosa off Britt…Mercedes Martinez puts Hayter through the table with a spinebuster…Rosa holds up the Women’s title…damn.
(4) Face of the Revolution Qualifier: Orange Cassidy defeats Anthony Bowens…as Max Caster prepares to hit Cassidy with the chain wrapped around his fist, Danhausen distracts Caster just long enough for Cassidy to deliver an Orange Punch…Cassidy rolls back in & lands an Orange Punch on Bowens for the win (10:48).
+ Casino Tag Royale to name the 3rd team for the Revolution Tag Title match
+ Hangman Adam Page, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds vs. Adam Cole & reDRagon
+ Tony Khan with another Huge Announcement
AEW REVOLUTION PPV – Sunday, March 6, 2022
+ Hangman Adam Page (c) vs. Adam Cole – for the AEW World Championship
+ Britt Baker (c) vs. Thunder Rosa – for the AEW Women’s Championship
+ Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Keith Lee vs. Wardlow vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks vs. Orange Cassidy vs. TBD #6 vs. TBD #7
+ CM Punk vs. MJF – Dog Collar Match
+ Jurassic Express (c) vs. reDRagon vs. TBD #3 – Triple Threat Match for the AEW Tag Team Championship
+ Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston
+ Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy, & Andrade vs. Sammy Guevara, Sting, & Darby Allin – Tornado Trios Match
+ Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley
AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING PPV – Sunday, May 29, 2022 *Las Vegas*
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