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C. AzeezW
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Bobby RoodeW
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January 9th Impact Genesis
- Updated: January 10, 2021

January 9th Impact Genesis
Impact Genesis Results Provided by Jeff Johnson Wrestling Soundoff
Check below for the January 9th NXT UK Results. The show begins at 8 PM Eastern.
Still got Madison Rayne on commentary with Josh. Going to enjoy her on commentary as long as we still have her.
Video promo from Ace Austin and Suicide about their first match in the Super X Cup. Scott D’Amore talks about Suicide’s history since Suicide is not talking.
Chris Sabin still thinks Suicide is Christopher Daniels (who we know has wore the suit at one time)
- Ace Austin is now saying he is “Inevitable” Ace Austin since being champion is Inevitable.
- Who do we think is in the suit tonight? TJP? Rohit? Doubt it is Jake Crist.
- Love the spot with Ace using his playing card between Suicide’s fingers but it has not impact due to the gloves. Suicide points this out by counting down his fingers leading to a middle finger to Austin.
- Sweet looking kick to Suicide’s head from Ace Austin coming off the turnbuckles.
- Fulton doing a good job getting the distraction without interfering in the match. Austin hits the Fold and gets the pinfall victory and advances to the semi final.
- MATCH TIME: 10:14
Blake and KC Video Promo
- Blake Christian and KC Navarro are doing a video promo to let us know who they are in this tournament. Blake is the all heart babyface and KC Navarro is the cocky young gun.
- KC Navarro gets in the head of Blake early on by doing the cocky slow back away after getting Christian in the corner.
- Love the line on Commentary that Madison Rayne is on Chris Bey’s Bey-Roll. Love the Bey puns or what ever you call those play on words.
- Sick looking move to the spine of KC Navarro from Christian. Almost as sick as the Tope Suicida Navarro did after gaining back control of the match.
- Great heel move from KC Navarro with the cocky pin attempt looking at the camera for it.
- Beautiful swinging/flipping neck breaker by Navarro on Blake. Almost got him the pinfall.
- Great flurry of moves from Blake Christian but just couldn’t get a pinfall.
- Sick powerbomb out of the corner by Christian followed by a spinning move off the top turnbuckle to get the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 9:04
Davari and Cousin Jake Promos
- Another video promo from the next two competitors in the Super X Cup about their match and background. We have Shawn Daivari and Cousin Jake. Jake sure to mention his current story with Cody as well.
- Interested to see what happens here. They have a great opportunity to reunite Daivari with EY and make the stable stronger while furthering the story against Cousin Jake.
- Took the third match of the tournament to finally hear the old tagline of No Limits not weight limits.
- Nasty looking spot with Cousin Jake going neck first in to the bottom rope after Daivari moved. Made better by the selling of Jake.
- Can we start a petition to ensure Jake Matthews never says the phrase “comes in thrusting”?
- Daivari is able to counter Cousin Jake multiple times but Jake finally hits a great sit out powerbomb but only gets a two.
- This is now our longest match of the night so far so the finish is likely coming. Jake catches Daivari and hits his swinging sidewalk slam to get the pinfall victory.
- MATCH TIME: 10:50
Crazy Steve and Tre Lamar Promos
- Crazzy Steve and Tre Lamar are giving us their video promo for the final first round match of the Super X Cup.
- Josh and Madison let us know that Tre Lamar was trained by The Way themselves, Johnny Gargano and Candice Lerae.
- Tre Lamar not sure what to make of Crazzy Steve who has dialed the crazy for the match. It’s definitely working at getting in the head of Lamar.
- Really entertaining stuff with Tre Lamar being freaked out by everything Steve does including the monkey in the corner.
- Lamar is finally able to get his straight after hitting some moves on Steve but getting cocky quickly. That could backfire on him.
- I don’t like the cocky pinfally attempt from Lamar as it did not put the weight the way that KC Navarro did earlier. Makes Lamar look cocky but stupid.
- Crazzy Steve hits his leaping DDT to get the pinfall victory to advance to the semi finals of the tournament.
- MATCH TIME: 9:18
Willie Mack Backstage Promo
- We are getting an interview with Moose backstage about his match tonight against Willie Mack. He said he has learned not to make stupid mistakes like Willie made by asking for this match.
- Surprised they are going right into the Semi Finals with how they did the first round matches. Jake doesn’t get much of a rest after only one match between this and his last match.
- Interesting dynamic with Madman backstage doing his best constipated face once again.
- Great spot with Madman catching Ace Austin to save him from landing hard.
- Cousin Jake has had enough and gives Madman Fulton a shot to the face after Fulton tells him to. Austin uses it to his advantage and comes lying over the top rope on to Jake.
- Great booking so far to keep both men looking strong in this one.
- Seriously, does Josh Matthews own stock in the Micro Brawlers?
- I don’t think it could be any closer to a three than that pinfall attempt from Cousin Jake after spearing Austin in the corner.
- Josh Matthews said the match was at the 12 minute mark but it was actually the 10 minute mark from my timer.
- The Fold out of nowhere by Ace Austin gets him the hard fought pinfall victory to advance to the finals.
- MATCH TIME: 10:40
Rich Swann with Willie Mack
- Rich Swann is talking to Willie Mack about Mack’s I Quit match against Moose tonight.
- Not sure which way they go here. While I suspect Steve gets the victory, I can also see Christian getting the victory if they plan to sign him. Either could be a good opponent for Ace Austin in the final.
- Early break in the match for Crazzy Steve to talk to his monkey about how good Blake Christian is.
- Tell me he just didn’t do that? Blake Christian “accidently” kicks the monkey off the apron causing Steve to lose it.
- See how easy it was for Blake Christian to avoid the referee even if he was directly in his path? Wrestlers and referees look equally dumb when that causes a bump.
- Great moment with both men crawling into the ring showing we’re back to even 9 minutes into the match.
- We’ve now got out longest match of the night with neither man still having a big advantange. All matches have been pretty even.
- Sick 450 from Blake Christian to Crazzy Steve hanging off the top rope to get the pinfall victory and advance to the final.
- MATCH TIME: 12:17
Jazz Interview
- Jazz is now being interviewed backstage about her match tonight against Jordynne Grace.
- Sounds like Jazz is in pretty much every Hall of Fame she has a chance at getting in to.
- Sign of respect from both competitors with an elbow bump to start the match. I have a feeling the end of the match may not show the same respect. Not even a minute later and they’re breaking down the respect.
- Stiff looking kick from Jazz that Grace sold perfectly. Jazz heel’s it up by admiring her work before going for the pinfall.
- Not the best spinebuster by Jordynne Grace but may have been more on Jazz than Grace.
- Grace dominating right now at the 9 minute mark but still not able to put Jazz away yet.
- I think Rhea Ripley and Raquel Gonzalez spoiled me for good hard hitting women’s matches as this just isn’t at that level.
Jazz has so little in her tank she can’t even bothered to put the effort in to get her shoulder clearly off the mat to break the count. Thankfully the ref didn’t count it.
Jordynne Grace reverses the roll up by Jazz and get the pinfall victory herself. - MATCH TIME: 12:08
- Post match, Jordynne Grace raises Jazz’s arm and they hug out of respect.
Blake Christian Interview
- Blake Christian is now being interviewed about the Finals of the Super X Cup next where he faces Ace Austin.
- Madman Fulton comes out but Austin lets him know he has this one and sends him to the back.
- I expected Ace Austin to win this tournament but Blake Christian being in the final, it is possible it could be a way to put Christian over if he is coming in to replace the spot left open by the Rascalz exit.
- I don’t think there has been a single match tonight that hasn’t been evenly booked. Always a great way to rebuild a division with some new names.
- Blake Christian BARELY missed Ace Austin when landing on the mat after Austin avoids him. Could have been badly just a centimetre closer.
- Interesting DDT from Blake Christian to Ace Austin sending him head first in to the top turnbuckle. Nice to follow it up with the flipping powerbomb.
- 450 to Ace Austin from Blake wasn’t able to get him the victory this time but Austin was only on the mat unlike Steve earlier.
- Loved how Austin and Christian set up the double stomp in the corner from Blake Christian. Looked a lot more natural than the usual.
- Christian is handing up Ace Austin like he did Crazzy Steve earlier but Austin moves and hits a springboard kick but only gets a two.
- Bad camera work since we didn’t get to see the actual grabbing of the bottom rope by Blake Christian to break the sharpshooter from Austin.
- Beautiful standing Spanish Fly from Blake Christian to counter Ace Austin coming off the ropes.
- Some great work from Blake Christian. This guy just needs a good gimmick and he will be money.
- Christian misses his diving corkscrew but Austin moves but Christian then counters the Fold but neither gets the pinfall yet.
- A little sloppy with the bridge coming out of the pin but both men have to be spent at this point, even though I assume they spread the matches out when they actually taped them.
- Blake Christian was able to get the Playing Card out of the hand of Austin before it could get used.
- Ace Austin is able to hit The Fold out of nowhere countering Blake Christian to get the pinfall victory and win the Super X Cup 2021.
- MATCH TIME: 19:52
Post Match
- Scott D’Amore comes out with the cheapest looking Trophy Shop trophy. D’Amore then talks with Christian on the way back.
- Glad this match is the Main Event of Genesis instead of getting lost on a stacked Hard to Kill card.
- This match does not appear to be for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship as Penzar does not announce so.
- Got to love that Josh is saying on Commentary it will be a while before the ref will check if they quit only for the ref to immediately check both guys to see if they want to quit.
- Someone should tell Moose it is easier to say “no” then “screw you” as that is time you could spend regaining energy. Every second counts, right?
- What an amazing sight seeing Moose hitting a running dropkick to Willie Mack.
- Moose now telling the referee to not ask Willie Mack if he quits as he wants to continue dishing out punishment.
- Table set up at ringside by Moose but Mack is able to fight it off and take it to Moose again. Probably going to have to wait a few minutes before someone goes through it.
- Moose gives the double middle finger salute leading to a chair shot to the head, protected of course, from Willie Mack.
- Josh Matthews actually brought up the old wrestling staple of things never work out for the person who sets a weapon up.
- Six Star Frog Splash from Willie Mack but not enough to get a man to quit, like really. Looks great when Willie hits another to the back of Moose but really, who would quit from that when you can just rest?
- Did Josh Matthews really need to bring up that the table was right in the position below Moose and Willie? Moose hits a nasty looking Go To Hell through the table from the top turnbuckle.
- The Black Gloves are on but we still don’t see which one has been busted open until we see Willie get up as his elbow is bleeding.
- Shots are being traded by both men as they both try to get to their feet in the middle of the ring.
- Stunner from Willie but Moose bounces off the ropes and hits a headbutt. Willie Mack then counters and hits a killer clothesline. None of these moves are going to make someone say I Quit, though.
- This match is now our longest match of the night, as one would expect with no man seeming like they are going to say I Quit.
- Apparently “Get your ass out of my face” is another way of saying No.
- How many times are these two going to head up to the top turnbuckle? Willie is going for the superplex and hits it on to the pile of chairs but again why would a wrestle say I quit when they can still just lay there and rest?
- Moose is able to avoid a chairshot from Mack and use his TNA World Title on the face of Mack and rolls him in the ring to destroy Willie with the his elbows.
- I’m starting to expect Rich Swann to come down to stop the match on Willie Mack’s behalf. Right on cue, he comes out to stop Moose by offering him a title shot.
- Moose says “Thank you, I quit!” So Willie Mack wins the match but Moose gets his title shot.
- MATCH TIME: 26:30
- I can not say enough good things about how Impact just booked the ending of that I Quit match. Bravo, Impact, Bravo!
Impact Genesis Preview
Impact has 1 advertised match plus a tournament scheduled for the January 9th Genesis Show.
All matches are listed below with the 2020 win-loss record for each individual or team.
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Quick Preview
- Willie Mack v. Moose – I Quit Match
- Jordynne Grace v. Jazz
- Super X Cup Tournament
- Daivari v. Cousin Jake
- Ace Austin v. Suicide
- KC Navarro v. Blake Christian
- Crazy Steve v. Tre Lemar